Having moved further right on economic issues and remaining strongly right on socio-cultural issues, despite attempts to normalize, AfD's manifesto for the federal election was deemed to be still too radical for the party to take part in government.[114] 【参考译文】在2021年联邦选举之前,德国...
Already in 2014, the Brandenburg AfD (2014) released a Russian-language version of its manifesto for the September state-level election, emphasising its status as the “only party” to do so. In announcing the document’s release, state-branch chairman Gauland declared the intention “to integr...
At the Cabinet meeting, I also discussed mission delivery – how we would put into action the plans that we have set out in our manifesto, and that we will have mission delivery boards to drive through the change that we need, and that I will be cha...
2011年,美国性教育工作者、女性主义行为艺术家安妮·斯宾克勒(Annie Sprinkle)与加州大学圣克鲁兹分校教授贝思·史蒂芬(Beth Stephens)在联合发表的《生态“性”宣言》(Ecosex Manifesto)中宣称“大地是我们的恋人”,“我们通过感官与大地交欢”。郑波的系列新作就...
D. the Manifesto of the Communist Party 查看完整题目与答案 下列哪一项是粒细胞缺乏症的诊断标准( ) A. <1.5×109 /L B. <2.5×109 /L C. <4.0×109 /L D. <0.5×109 /L E. <10.0×109 /L 查看完整题目与答案 预测得特点就是( ) A. 鲜明性 B. 近似性 C. 科学性 ...
[206] In 2016 the party adopted several anti-Muslim positions and stated in its manifesto that "Islam does not belong to Germany. Its expansion and the ever-increasing number of Muslims in the country are viewed by the AfD as a danger to our state, our society, and our values."[206] ...