Ken Chitando, Managing Director at AFC Commercial bank added that, “With our extensive network in Zimbabwe, it is very easy and convenient for recipients to collect their cash no matter where they are in the country, and we are continuously expanding our network.” We are confident tha...
The AFC Land and Development Bank of Zimbabwe Limited (AFC Land Bank) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Zimbabwe rolled out a new loan management and e-voucher sys...
- 4 1.1TheEnglishvocabulary AnInternationallanguage EnglishasL1:Britain,U.S.A.,Ireland,Australia,Newzealand,Canada,SouthAfricaetc.Population:340millions - 5 EnglishasL2:India,Pakistan,Nepal,Sikkim,Myanmar(Burma),Singapore,Zimbabwe,Nigeria,Ghana,Namibia,Jamaica,Bermuda,Malaysia Population:?Millions En...