Making eBPF programming easier via build env and examples - bpf-examples/AF_XDP-example/xdpsock.c at master · xdp-project/bpf-examples
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XDP应用最后通常是将执行的动作保存在 r0 寄存器,然后再退出。 例如 r0=1;exit; 这可以优化成一条 exit_drop 测试结果 作者选取了几个在 Linux 代码库中的XDPexample ,一个简单的XDP防火墙和 Facebook 开源的 36420 eBPF文章翻译(3)——XDP原始设计介绍...
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For example, what is your Linux version, or are you using the dpdk? Best regards, Fariz_Intel Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply latency_hunter Beginner 11-27-2023 08:16 AM 1,601 Views I am using Debian 11, standard kernel 5.10 I am also not using the DPDK, just code ...
However, when I try to run the example program for assignment 1 I get this error:Can't setup AF_XDP socket "Operation not supported"The error persists even if I try to force "skb-mode" to avoid potential issues with the nic driver. It seems the error originates in the following ...
> updates the documentation with a working example. This change has been > tested with the AF_XDP DP PR 81[1], with both single and multiple interfaces. > > [1]> > v6: ...
...XDP应用最后通常是将执行的动作保存在 r0 寄存器,然后再退出。...例如 r0=1;exit; 这可以优化成一条 exit_drop 测试结果 作者选取了几个在 Linux 代码库中的XDPexample ,一个简单的XDP防火墙和 Facebook 开源的 1.2K20 简析XDP的重定向机制 XDPSocket示例解析 源码参见:
For example, what is your Linux version, or are you using the dpdk? Best regards, Fariz_Intel Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply latency_hunter Beginner 11-27-2023 08:16 AM 1,558 Views I am using Debian 11, standard kernel 5.10 I am also not using the DPDK, just code ...
Build Rust example application in Dockerfile. Sep 17, 2022 .editorconfig Initial commit of Cloud Native Data Plane Apr 15, 2022 .gitignore go: rework directory layout Apr 29, 2022 .markdownlint.json pre-commit: change markdown linter