Industrial ecology (IE) and eco-industrial Park (EIP) have been the emerging frontiers for sustainable development in recent years. The latest academic and practical progresses of IE and EIP are introduced in this paper. The study of IE with the approach of process systems engineering is especial...
“Indeed,Rosenbergiella_YN46, an indigenous symbiotic bacterium found in the environment, has established a stable symbiosis with mosquitoes in their native habitats. Implementing an environmental intervention usingRosenbergiella_YN46 to bloc...
Eco engineering for wastes treatment in process of alcohol production LU Bing-You,WANG Ru-Song,ZHANG Ren-wu.Eco-engineering for Wastes Treatment in Process of Alcohol Production. Environmental Sciences . 1998Lu Bing-you,Wang Ru-song,Zhang Ren-wu,Sui Zhi-heng. Eco-engineering for wastes ...
eco-innovationsregional developmentregional system of innovationsThe paper presents analyses of innovation as the factor stimulating sustainable development of a region. The most important determinants were presented stimulating their occurrence in the sector of companies. In addition...
Viva 1 special F eco 节力威 5W-20 4L德国进口高性能低摩擦发动机油广东批发 价格 ¥750.00 ¥745.00 ¥730.00 起订量 2桶起批 50桶起批 100桶起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 发货地 广东 佛山 所属类目 化工能源;润滑剂;车用润滑油 产品标签 5W;20;节力威;德国进口;发动机油;汽油机油 获...
Ecofriendly Is Good Business 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 44 摘要: Who's the greenest of them all? Is it Chicago's Richard Daley, the cycling mayor whose City Hall roof is festooned with flowers, wild onions, and beehives? Or New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who turned over two ...
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eco-friendly:环保的,对生态环境友好的。 ecolabel:生态标签,表明产品符合环保标准的标志。 此外,还有一些不太常见的以“eco”为前缀的单词,如ecocide(生态灭绝)、ecoregion(生态区)、ecozone(生态带)、ecotourism(生态旅游)等。 这些单词广泛存在于与生态、经济及环保相关的词汇中,体现了“eco”前缀的广泛影响力。