"https://sb" : "http://b") + ".scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js"; el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el); })(); <noscript> </noscript><!-- End of comScore Code --> <!-- Start of compete Code --> <!-- Compete XL Code for jobsnhire.com --> __com...
Controls, in the form of Lucidea Microarray ScoreCard v1.1 (Amersham Biosciences), were included. Automated hybridization was performed for 12 h at 45°C with the ChipMap80 kit (including the ChipHybe80 buffer) on the Ventana Discovery system (Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, AZ, USA). The ...
Microsoft.performancepoint.scorecards.adminui.intl.resources.dll 14.0.6009.1000 51,040 20-Oct-10 10:33 Microsoft.performancepoint.scorecards.client.dll.deploy 14.0.6106.5001 2,107,264 16-Jun-11 1:11 Microsoft.performancepoint.sc...
{ name: "4", type: vmess, server: v2ray.cool, port: 443, uuid: a3482e88-686a-4a58-8126-99c9df64b7bf, alterId: 7, cipher: auto, network: ws, ws-path: /v2ray.cool/, tls: true } + +# 代理组策略 +Proxy Group: +# url-test 通过对 URL 对速度进行基准测试,自动选择最快的...