Letter of Intent 意向书 LTI Lost time injuries 浪费机会的损害 LTO Labour Turn Over 劳动力流动 MMR Manager’s Monthly Report 经理月度报告 MPI Market Penetration Index Calculated by dividing the hotel’s actual market share by fair market share...
一、意向函 与其他商业交易类似,意向函(Letter of Intent)是指在整体交易初期,由买卖双方签署的关于出售飞机的一份意向性文件。意向函一般都会包括交易的核心商业条款(包括购买价款、定金支付、交付条件、购机前检查等等),以便双方在确认意向之后可以根据...
a letter of intent意向书 alternative两者之一,可供选择的方案(方法) analysis of normal, abnormal and emergency conditions正常、不正常和事故情况分析 annex, appendix附录 annex (appendix) of contract合同附件 a point(problem) of (under) negotiation 正在谈判中的问题 applicable standards适用标准 argon arc ...
意向书 letter of intent 空白格式 blank form 授权书 power of attorney 换文exchange of letter 备忘录 memorandum 合同条款 contract terms 免责条款 escape clause 原文original text 译文version 措辞wording正本 original 副本copy附录 attachment 附件appendix 会签to counter-sign 违反合同 breach of contract修 改...
Letter of Intent by the CMS Collaboration for a General Purpose Detector at the LHC Presented are the results of the most recent studies by the CMS and ATLAS collaborations on the expected sensitivity of their detectors to observing a Higg......
In this letter of intent, I would like to outline my academic background, research interests, and future career goals. I completed my undergraduate degree in [major] at [university] with a [GPA] and received several academic awards for my outstanding performance. During my undergraduate studies...
1. (Optional) Buyer sends a Letter Of Intent to the Seller (LOI); (可选)买家向供货商发出 LOI 求购函 2. Seller provides a Full Corporate Offer to the Buyer (FCO); 供货方向买家发出 FCO 价格确认函 3. Seller or Buyer drafts Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA); 交换合同的买卖双方 4. Selle...
资产收购意向协议(Letter of Intent,LOI)通常是一个双方签署的文件,服务于购买方和出售方之间的协商。LOI是一份具有法律约束力的文件,但它并不是一份完整的、具有法律效力的协议,而更像是交易前的一份备忘录。 一份LOI通常包括以下几个方面:交易主体双方信息,收购方案和方式,股权结构,关键条款及交易最后期限等...
This Letter of Intent describes a program of accelerator-based neutrino physics that will extend the measurements now underway of parameters m 2 23, sin 2 2θ23 and sin 2 2θ13, and could provide first measurements of CP violation on the neutrino sector under favorable circumstances. While an...
意向书(Letter of Intent,简称LOI)是一种表达某种意愿、达成某种协议或合作意向的正式文书。它通常用于商业领域,用于明确双方的意愿、条件和目标,并作为后续合同的基础。在这篇文档中,我们将探讨意向书的定义、重要性以及编写意向书的步骤和要素。 意向书是商业谈判的重要文件,它旨在概括双方达成的协议框架和合作意向。