The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s guideline on “Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgicencephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy): Diagnosis and management of CFS/ME in adults and children” (NICE, 2007) stated that the following drugs should not be used for the treatment of CFS/ME...
Blue Hills, Cedarcrest (closed), Connecticut Valley Hospital (CVH), Greater Bridgeport Mental Health and Capitol Region Mental Health Center. An ambulance crew does NOT need this form if the destination is any other facility. The need for this form is not created by any other factor such as ...
The lack of a significant survival benefit with FETO in fetuses with moderate pulmonary hypoplasia should prompt providers to encourage participation in additional randomized trials of FETO efficacy and outcomes and to avoid offering FETO outside such trials. The editorialist concluded that the current...
the EUA fact sheet for health care providers states that “The pharmacokinetics of remdesivir have not been evaluated in patients with renal impairment. Adult and pediatric patients (>28 days old) must have creatinine clearance determined and full...