NHIC, Corp. Local Coverage Article for Cervical Traction Devices (A52476). Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor (DME MAC) Jurisdiction A. Hingham, MA: NHIC; revised October 2015. NHIC, Corp. Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for Cervical Traction Devices (L33823). Durable ...
Part C (Medicare Advantage) Medicare Advantage plans usually cover Medicare Parts A and B as well as some of Part D. These plans are typically run by private insurance companies such as Aetna. Because of this, additional benefits may be available outside of your Medicare coverage and provided...
The evidence-based guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of adults with neck pain (Bryans et al, 2014) stated that “Based on inconsistent findings from 3 low-risk-of-bias studies, there is insufficient evidence that supports a recommendation for the use of infrared laser (830 nm) in the ...
Coverage gap This is also called the donut hole. It is the part of the Medicare plan where the member pays for prescription drugs. The plan does not pay. The gap occurs after you reach your initial coverage limit. It lasts until the expenses you pay add up to a certain amount. Covered...
CMS IOM Publication 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual; CMS IOM Publication 100-03 Medicare National Coverage Determination Manual. Medicare Coverage Determinations: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare Coverage Database [Internet]. Baltimore, MD: CMS; updated periodically. Avail...
However, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has deemed delivery of US via a hands-free unit to be investigational. This investigator examined the effectiveness of tissue heating with a hands-free US technique compared to a hand-held US transducer using the Rich-Mar AutoSound unit. A...
CMS IOM Publication 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual; CMS IOM Publication 100-03 Medicare National Coverage Determination Manual. Medicare Coverage Determinations: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare Coverage Database [Internet]. Baltimore, MD: CMS; updated periodically. Avail...
Non-biologically based treatments include auditory integration therapy, chiropractic therapy, cranio-sacral manipulation, interactive metronome, and transcranial stimulation. However, few studies have addressed the safety and effectiveness of most of these treatments. Ghanizadeh (2012) stated that there is ...