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Drosman and Jones (2005) noted that, in the pediatric population, HFCWO is most widely used in children with CF, but that children with developmental disorders involving neuromuscular dysfunction also have impaired airway clearance with or without ventilatory dependence. The authors stated that "[l]...
0078U Pain management (opioid-hyphenuse disorder) genotyping panel, 16 common variants (ie, ABCB1, COMT, DAT1, DBH, DOR, DRD1, DRD2, DRD4, GABA, GAL, HTR2A, HTTLPR, MTHFR, MUOR, OPRK1, OPRM1), buccal swab or other germline tissue sample, algorithm reported as positive or negative...
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Svejdova A, Drsata J, Mejzlik J, et al. Injection laryngoplasty with hyaluronic acid for glottal insufficiency in unilateral vocal fold paralysis: A systematic review of the literature. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022;279(11):5071-5079. Tirado Y, Lewin JS, Hutcheson KA, Kupferman ME. Offic...
Martinez DR, Schaefer A, Leist SR, et al. Early therapy with remdesivir and antibody combinations improves COVID-19 disease in mice. bioRxiv. 2021 Jan 28;2021.01.27.428478. Mehta RM, Bansal S, Bysani S, Kalpakam H. A shorter symptom onset to remdesivir treatment (SORT) interval is associ...