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To overcome this limitation and minimize the likelihood that subjects would correctly guess that they were not receiving the active intervention, subjects were kept unaware that the control footwear was not expected to have therapeutic benefits. Subjects were informed in a neutral fashion that 2 differ...
and it is uncertain whether AIT is any more effective than placebo (Best and Milne, 1997). A systematic evidence review by Cullen et al (1999) concluded: "Previous claims for the benefits of AIT in reduction of problem behaviors and increases...
or atresia in both bilateral and unilateral cases; however, CC-HAs are not currently considered the 1st-choice for patients with a canal-open ear; however, they could provide significant benefits in specific cases, such as continuous otorrhea. Moreover, these researchers stated that further ...
Thus, the risks and benefits of prophylactic ICD implantation in persons with mutations of this gene are unknown. Automated external defibrillators (AED) (e.g., the HeartSine Samaritan PAD, HeartSine Technologies, Inc., San Clemente, CA; and the HeartStart Home OTC Defibrillator, Philips Medical...