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Aetna considers 18F-flotufolastat (Posluma) injection medically necessary for PET imaging of PSMA-positive lesions in individuals with prostate cancer with suspected metastasis who are candidates for initial definitive therapy, with suspected recurrence based on elevated serum PSA level. Gallium Ga 68 ...
Ault, Alicia
Unanswered questions regarding the possible mechanisms of action of the various progestins in preventing preterm birth have led to uncertainty with respect to choice of agent, route of administration, dose regimen, and clinical indication. The authors stated that further research on progestational agents...
Currently the choice of techniques depends on the surgical expertise and preference of the operator. Based on results reported in peer review journals, abstracts and presentations at national meetings, LVRS appears efficacious for some, but not all, patients with advanced COPD due to emphysema. ...
Choice of an appropriate device, i.e., a ventilator versus a bi-level PAP device is made based upon the severity of the condition. CMS distinguished the use of respiratory product types in a National Coverage Analysis Decision Memo stating that bilevel PAP devices are “distinguished from ...
Aetna’s standard traditional plans (Managed Choice POS, PPO, and indemnity) cover medically necessary surgical dressings only when prescribed by a physician and supplied by a home care agency in conjunction with covered home health care services or when dispensed and used by a participating health...
First metatarsophalangeal joint replacement: The method of choice for end-stage hallux rigidus? Foot Ankle Clin. 2003;8(4):711-721, vi. Galois L, Hemmer J, Ray V, Sirveaux F. Surgical options for hallux rigidus: State of the art and review of the literature. Eur J Orthop Surg ...
by the Research Triangle Institute Evidence-Based Practice Center for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Hartmann et al, 2002) concluded that "[o]verall, the quality of this literature is poor for the purposes of making decisions about choice of screening systems in US populations....