They are not yet accepted by doctors or by insurance plans as standard treatment. They may not be proven as effective or safe for most people. Explanation of Benefits (EOB) This is a statement a health plan sends to a health plan member. It shows charges, payments and any balances owed...
According to these guidelines, actigraphy is a standard "generally accepted patient care strategy ... reflecting a high degree of clinical certainty" for estimating total sleep time in OSA when PSG is unavailable. Given limitations of the evidence, all the other clinical indications for actigraphy t...
An assessment of MRS prepared by the Tuft's-New England Medical Center Evidence-Based Practice Center for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (Jordan et al, 2003) reached the following conclusions: “[h]uman studies conducted on the use of MRS for brain tumors demonstrate t...
Dosage and Administration Note:Approvals may be subject to dosing limits in accordance with FDA-approved labeling, accepted compendia, and/or evidence-based practice guidelines. SeeMedical Specialty Medication Quantity Limitsfor more information. Below includes dosing recommendations per the FDA-approved pr...
" and that "More evidence from clinical trials should be required for degenerative disk disease to be an accepted indication." Regarding the use of "emerging spinal implants," such as artificial discs, the review states that, "If ongoing trials suggest results equivalent to those of spinal ...
Fasciotomy is the only accepted treatment of compartment syndrome and should be performed quickly after the diagnosis is made. Outcomes after fasciotomy are best when there is no delay in treatment. These investigators stated that there is evidence that the use of a vacuum-assisted closure ...
Magnetic resonance angiography has also become accepted as a method to detect suspected stenosis in the main renal arteries; its inability to image distal lesions and accessory arteries limits its diagnostic abilities. Although MRA assessment for the evaluation of renal artery stenosis is acceptable, ...
Note: Approvals may be subject to dosing limits in accordance with FDA-approved labeling, accepted compendia, and/or evidence-based practice guidelines. SeeMedical Specialty Medication Quantity Limitsfor more information. Below includes dosing recommendations as per the FDA-approved prescribing information...
There are no widely accepted criteria as to when electrophysiologic tests should be included in the clinical evaluation of auditory processing disorder (Schochat et al, 2010). There are currently no available electrophysiological measures of sufficient utility and reliability to be useful in the clinic...
Although PP/PE is an accepted treatment of GBS and CIDP, its mechanism of action is still poorly understood. It is presumed that the symptomatology of these diseases is immune mediated and that PP/PE will remove the pathogenic immune circulating factors. However, the specific immune factors respo...