Aesthetics and the Philosophy of ArtJohn Wiley & Sons / 2018-11-12出版 想读 在读 读过 短评 打开App写短评 穆木木2024-01-02 21:07:26 刚学分析美学时哐哐硬啃的书。最好的综合性的美学选集,没有之一,算是弥补了美学没有好的导论书的尴尬吧。 0 刘一颓2024-09-11 05:25:03 跟着课程读了一些...
In Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, Robert Stecker introduces students to the history and evolution of aesthetics, and also makes an important distinction between aesthetics and philosophy of art. While aesthetics today is the study of value, philosophy of art deals with a much wider array ...
评语:佐佐木健一是当代日本比较有名的世界级美学学者,这是他应出版社之托所写的一本入门类型著作。作者本人知识广博,可旁征艺术、建筑、音乐、戏剧等多方内容,行文理念也较为前卫(可见受到分析美学影响,且提到Welsch等内容),深入浅出。翻译尚可,偶有错误(比如译名统一的问题),唯图片昏暗,不爽。 美学是什么 7.6 ...
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art:An Introduction. S ROBERT. . 2010Robert Stecker.Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art:An Introduction. . 2010Stecker, R. Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: An Introduction, 2nd ed.; Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Lanham, MD, USA, 2010.Robert Stecker....
Part V: Values of Art. Introduction. 19. Aesthetic Appraisal and Works of Art (P. F. Strawson). 20. Particularity, Art and Evaluation (Frank Sibley). 21. From The Test of Time (Anthony Savile). 22. From Values of Art (Malcolm Budd). ...
AestheticsandthePhilosophyofArtChapterTwo-EnvironmentalAesthetics:NaturalBeautyRobertStecker -Whenwethinkaboutnature,beautyisthefirstthingtocometomind -Whencomparedtoanartpiece,onemaythinkitiseasiertounderstandnature’sbeauty ThischapterisconcernedwiththeAestheticAppreciationofNature.WemustfirstdefineAestheticAppreciation,...
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:Wiley-Blackwell 作者:Lamarque, Peter; Olsen, Stein Haugom, Professor; 出品人: 页数:588 译者
The question can be raised whether the category or discipline of philosophical aesthetics existed before the eighteenth century. Unlike "logic:' "ethics:' and "physics:' a traditional Stoic division of philosophy with great staying power, "aesthetics" is clearly a product of modernity. As Paul O...
the case with both Hegel and Schopenhauer, whose work we shall briefly examine. The problem of whether a set of distinctly "aesthetic qualities" can be discerned continues to haunt the debate on the philosophy of art into the 20 th