【Minecraft】浪漫湖畔小屋|Romantic Lakeside Cottage Tour - Cocricot Mod / Texture Pack 一听桃子酒_ 1.1万 11 05:35 白行| 我的世界 | 恰似玫瑰般热烈 玫瑰城堡roomtour 白行如昼 3.7万 57 15:54 【Minecraft】红玫瑰小屋|The Red Roses Cottage - Cocricot x MiniaTuria Mod 一听桃子酒_ 11.8...
Currently, no other Minecraft, Forge or Fabric version support is planned. I mainly want to use the blocks in this mod in a modpack I enjoy. If you want support for other versions, feel free to fork this project, implement your changes, and submit a pull request!