Ideal for combination skin, Aesop’s In Two Minds Facial Hydrator softens, smooths and refreshes the face with ease. A rapidly absorbed formula that delivers lightweight hydration with a matte finish, it’s infused with witch hazel for a clearer complexion, and andiroba seed to replenish dryness...
Aesop IN TWO MINDS 保湿霜 点击缩放 Opens in a modal window 收藏Aesop In Two Minds Facial Hydrator IN TWO MINDS 保湿霜 Aesop brand: Aesop (10 点评) $61 +添加至我的心愿单 估计送达日期(美国境内): 二月 19 - 二月 26 税前订单满 50 美元可免国际运费 / 如果未开封且未使用,则符合退货...
$51 Aesop In Two Minds Facial Hydrator Aesop $61 5.0 out of 5 stars 质量:普通(9) 80% 会推荐这个产品 请为此款品评分 分类: Rating: REVOLVE Shopper 12/5/23 Employee Review previous page 1 2 3 4 next page Get REVOLVE on the go
最近我又入手了Aesop的Rome旅行套装,初衷只是想要那个包,结果发现质量真的太好了,大小也非常适合短途旅行。更棒的是,里面的所有东西几乎都不需要再带其他了。 这个套装包括: In Two Minds Facial Cleanser 二重奏洁面15ml In Two Minds Facial Toner 二重奏调理液15ml In Two Minds Facial Hydrator 二重奏乳液15ml ...
Aesop In Two Minds Facial Hydrator \$80 for 60ml 檀香木润肤霜 含有多种植物油成分 舒缓皮肤刺激 并提高轻量保湿 让肌肤永远保持恰到好处的水润状态 主要成分 金缕梅:保持健康的皮脂分泌,让肌肤平衡健康 檀香:修复皮肤屏障受损 Andiroba,acai&copaiba种子油:保湿,恢复肌肤活力,滋养肌肤,同时有抗氧化功效,使皮肤...
Aesop In Two Minds Facial Hydrator 成分表来自备案信息 低风险31种 中风险8种 高风险0种 含有防腐剂:5种 ( 苯氧乙醇、 苯甲酸、 脱氢乙酸、 苯甲酸钠、 山梨酸钾 ) 含有致痘风险:1种 ( 苯甲酸 ) 含有香精:2种 ( 金合欢醇、 苧烯 ) 名称安全等级成分提示作用 水 1 溶剂 甘油 2 保湿剂 溶...
在Singapore,Singapore 購買 Brand new Aesop in two minds facial hydrator brand new. Brand new Newly bought from stores Save up to $20+++ Sg retails at $80 No trades Pick up available anytime!!! No trades 私訊購買!
【专柜直采】Aesop伊索 In Two Minds Facial Hydrator 二重奏保湿精华乳 60ml <> 累计销量:6789 价格登录后可见 英文名称: AESOP In Two Minds Facial Hydrator 60ml 条形码: 9319944012033 保质期: 重量: 250g 数量: 库存充足 商品详情评价晒单常见问题支付与配送...
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Parsley Seed antioxidant facial toner 200ml Price:¥600.00 AESOP Parsley Seed anti-oxidant hydrator 60ml Price:¥680.00 AESOP Protective Facial Lotion SPF 25 50ml Price:¥580.00 AESOP Aesop Elemental Facial Barrier cream 60ml Price:¥580.00 ...