Aesir 英[ˈeisiə] 美[ˈeˌsɪr, ˈeˌzɪr] 释义 n. (北欧神话中)以奥丁为首的诸主神 英英释义 Noun 1. (Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard
英[ˈeisiə] 美[ˈeˌsɪr, ˈeˌzɪr] 是什么意思 n. (北欧神话中)以奥丁为首的诸主神; 英英释义 aesir[ 'eisiə ] n.(Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard 学习怎么用 权威例句 Aesir Aesir Cloak of Aesir ...
Odin欧丁;Loki洛基;Norse挪威人的;Thor托尔;gods上帝们;dwarves矮人;Viking北欧海盗;elves侏儒;Zeus宙斯;Nordic北欧人的;Ares阿瑞斯; 用户正在搜索 goshenite,goshpeck,GOSIP,goslarite,gosling,go-slow,gospel,gospeler,gospeller,Gospels, 相似单词 Aesculapian,Aesculapius,aesculetin,aesculin,Aesculus,Aesir,Aesop,Aeso...
Noun1.Aesir- (Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard Norse mythology- the mythology of Scandinavia (shared in part by Britain and Germany) until the establishment of Christianity Norse deity- a deity worshipped by the ancient Norsemen ...
Because the AESIR gods had killed Gurvig indiscriminately, the angry Warner gods officially declared war on the AESIR gods.This was the first large-scale, tragic war since the beginning of the world chaos. The warriors of both gods fought bravely and fearlessly on the battlefield, and the ...
Aesir or ae·sir [ ey-sir, ey-zir ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun , (used with a plural verb) the principal race of gods, led by Odin and living at Asgard.Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of Aesir1 From Old Norse, plural of āss “god”; cognate with Old English ōs...
Aesir /'eisiə/ 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 n. 埃西尔,亚萨 (北欧 话的主要 , 的诸主 ) 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. Norse deity 联想词 Odin欧 ;Loki洛基;Norse挪威人的;Thor托尔;gods上帝们;dwarves矮人;Viking北欧海盗;elves侏儒;Zeus宙斯;Nordic北欧人的;Ares阿瑞斯; ...
The meaning of AESIR is the principal race of Norse gods.
The "Aesir", also known as the "Polar Gods" (極 (きょく) 神 (しん) Kyokushin), is a trio of three mysterious deity-like Synchro Monsters used by Team Ragnarok in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. They are referred to as the "Three Polar Gods of the Star World" (星 (せい)
Asgard(n.) in Norse religion, the home of the gods and goddesses and of heroes slain in battle, from Old Norse, fromāss"god," which is related to Old Englishos, Gothicans"god" (seeAesir) +garðr"enclosure, yard, garden" (from PIE root*gher-(1) "to grasp, enclose"). ...