[2] Daemen J, Rijmen V. AES proposal: Rijndael[J]. 1998. [3] Advanced Encryption Standard,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard, 2017年3月获取. [4] Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, The Design of Rijndael, AES - The Advanced Encryption Standard, Springer-Verlag 2002 (...
摘要: 介绍了AES加密标准的Rijndael实现方法,设计了一种适合应用于嵌入式系统32位数据界面时序紧凑的AES加密IP核。该IP核能以较低的资源消耗实现在低端FPGA上速度为256 Mb/s的AES加密,且可将数据位宽扩展为64位或128位等,满足多种数据位宽应用的要求。该设计是一种低成本高性能的AES加密实现方法。
[2] Daemen J, Rijmen V. AES proposal: Rijndael[J]. 1998. [3] Advanced Encryption Standard,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard, 2017年3月获取. [4] Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, The Design of Rijndael, AES - The Advanced Encryption Standard, Springer-Verlag 2002 (...
因此AES不是流密码(stream cipher),而是分组密码(block cipher)。 (当今的AES,是AES竞赛优胜者Rijndael的精简版,相比于原版的Rijndael,其block size即块大小被限定为了128 bits,而192 bits和256 bits块大小不再被支持) AES通过密钥来加密、解密信息,并且加密和解密过程使用的密钥完全相同,加密过程和解密过程具有一定...
[2] DANMEN J,RIIJMEN V.AES proposal:rijndael.AES algo-rithm submission.[EB/OL](1999-09-03)[2014-12-23].http://www.nist.gov/aes. [3] Clive Max Maxfield.FPGA设计指南:器件、工具和流程[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2007.
Rijndael设计思想 安全性(Security) 算法足够强,抗攻击 经济性(Efficiency) 算法运算效率高 密钥捷变(Key Agility) 更改密钥所引入的损失尽量小,即最小消耗的密钥扩展算法 适应性 (Versatility) 适用于不同的CPU架构,软件或硬件平台的实现 设计简单(Simplicity) ...
高级加密标准AES(Rijndael)算法的分析及实现 热度: / AESProposal:Rijndael JoanDaemen,VincentRijmen JoanDaemen ProtonWorldInt.l Zweefvliegtuigstraat10 B-1130Brussel,Belgium daemen.j@protonworld VincentRijmen KatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,ESAT-COSIC
Architectures and VLSI Implementations of the AES-Proposal Rijndael Two architectures and VLSI implementations of the AES Proposal, Rijndael, are presented in this paper. These alternative architectures are operated both fo... N Sklavos,OG Koufopavlou - 《IEEE Transactions on Computers》 被引量: 251...
In this document we describe the cipher Rijndael. First we present the mathematical basis necessary for understanding the specifications followed by the design rationale and the description itself. Subsequently, the implementation aspects of the cipher and its inverse are treated. This is followed by ...
AES Proposal: Rijndael by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen FIPS 197: Announcing the AES Advanced Encryption Standard - Wikipedia The Design of Rijndael by Joan Daemen & Vincent Rijmen The Block Cipher Companion, L. Knudsen & M. Robshaw, 2011 加密芯片的旁道攻击防御对策研究(博士学位论文), 李海军...