Empresa Eléctrica Ventanas is a subsidiary of the AES Gener Group. It operates the Ventanas 537 MW coal-fired thermoelectric power station, located in the Puchuncaví commune in the Valparaíso region of Chile. Ventanas employs state-of-the-art technology to minimize its atmospheric emissions, incl...
Em função de sua ampla presença geográfica, a empresa muitas vezes enfrentava desafios operacionais na gestão administrativa, financeira e de controladoria. A solução de planejamento financeiro que usavam anteriormente, o Oracle Hyperion, já entregava os resultados...
AES Andes has sold 100% of Empresa Eléctrica Ventanas to Quintero Energía Aligned with its transformational strategy toward a renewable portfolio, AES Andes has successfully completed the sale of Empresa Eléctrica Ventanas to Quintero Energía. Empresa Eléctrica Ventanas is a subsidiary of the AES ...