Fig. 5.Comparison of trajectories and value of constraint violation for AL-ISCP and P-ISCP 文章信息 引用格式: Luo Y, Wang J, Jiang J, Liang H. Reentry Trajectory Planning for Hypersonic Vehicles via an Improved Sequent...
引用回帖:1楼:Originally posted byACTAC888at 2015-01-09 10:18:32 RT。谢谢各位大神啦!!!你是...
This article summarizes thegreat progress made by China inspace science and technology overthe past 36 years.In some impor-tant fields,China has reached theadvanced world level,such as thetechnologies of satellite recovery,multiple satellites with one rocket, 著录项 来源 《中国航天:英文版》 |1992...
The award-giving ceremony of the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award for 2003 was held in Beijing on Feb. 20, 2004.The two ace Chinese scientists each won 5 million RMB. 著录项 来源 《中国航天:英文版》 |2004年第1期|23-23|共1页 作者 作者单位 原文格式 PDF 正文...
Ministry of Science and Tech nology of the People's Repub lic of China released that the Galileo Project, the biggest cooperative program between China and Europe would implement fully in 2004. China will work with Europe in the fields of satellite navigation technology,manufacture, service and...