Aerosoft CRJ 550/700 (MSFS) Fly the CRJ 500/700 in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Details SKU DL-ASCRJ57 COMPATIBILITY MSFS 2020 MEDIA INSTANT DOWNLOAD SIZE (Mb) 740 PUBLISHER Aerosoft Germany (MORE) CURRENT VERSION 1.0.18 Price: $50.95 Options Delivery Options Quantity 1 (this pr...
Aerosoft CRJ V2 将于 3 月 25 日发布 Aerosoft CRJ 是 MSFS 的首批飞机插件之一,将于 3 月 25 日进行重大更新。庞巴迪 CRJ 是历史上最成功的支线飞机之一,在 1991 年至 2020 年间共生产了 1,945 架。CRJ700 系列于 1999 年开始生产,包括 CRJ 700、CRJ 900、CRJ 1000 和 CRJ 705 型号。 这些飞机的... Aerosoft放出CRJ V2预告片,该产品预计2025年3月25日发布,售价50欧元,同时支持MSFS2020/2024。注意:之前已购买过CRJ的玩家将获得免费升级,甚至之前没买900/1000的玩家,升级后也将自动获得900/1000。注意2:有鉴于Aerosoft A330的前车之鉴,请新玩家等我们这批可以...
Your new Flight Crew for the MSFS Aerosoft CRJ has just boarded!Take your MSFS Aerosoft CRJ to the next level with FS2Crew, and fly your CRJ with a fully interactive flight, cabin, and ground crew using Voice or Button Control!
The Aerosoft CRJ Bundle 550/700/900/1000 for the current Microsoft Flight Simulator has been built on the experience of the developers from the CRJ family offered for FSX and Prepar3D. Yet the new technology available within MSFS gave all developers involved the opportunity to use the latest ...
What is FSFO CRJ Flight Simulator First Officer CRJ is designed to work specifically with the Aerosoft CRJ 700 900 X and Professional in short it adds a touch of realism while providing a copilot to share cockpit responsibilities nbsp FSFO has a very sma
Weather Force is the new metar-based dynamic real-time weather engine for Microsoft Flight Simulator!By utilizing inter-process communication with th…
Weather Force is the new metar-based dynamic real-time weather engine for Microsoft Flight Simulator!By utilizing inter-process communication with th…
Your new Flight Crew for the MSFS Aerosoft CRJ has just boarded! Take your MSFS Aerosoft CRJ (550/700 and 900-1000) to the next level with FS2Crew and fly your CRJ with a fully interactive flight, cabin and ground crew using Voice or Button Control!
always find realistic shapes, detailed parts, functional animations, and advanced controls and displays when you seat in the virtual cockpit or when you span around the exterior model of thisCRJ Professional. Made for P3D4 only, and reduced price awarded if you previously ordered the CRJ 700/...