Print Report bad tab 153 comments Send Calm down, dude. He was just saying his opinion on the tab. +41minorsandinista 10•May 22, 2004•reply its pretty good but there are two guitars pretty much the whole time and you have it mostly just on one +23monkeyarms 10•Jun 13, 2004...
This is an awesome Aerosmith song, one of my favorites. Angel As perfromed on "Permenant Vacation" Words and music by Steven Tyler and Desmond Child Standard tuning h hammer on p pull off b bend r return ~ vibrating / slide up Joe Guitar 1 Brad Guitar 2 Both D'uh[Intro/GUITAR SOLO...
yeah, come and make it all right. Bb5 Eb5 Come and save me to - night. CHORDS FOR THE SOLO: Eb5 Bb5 Ab5 Bb5 C5 Bb5 Ab5 Bb5 Eb5 Bb5 Ab5 Bb5 C5 Bb5 Ab5 Bb THE TAB FOR THE SOLO: Eb5 Bb5 Ab5 Bb5 e|---| b|---| g|---13---...
I was looking at the ONLY tab for this song, and my hands are way too small to stretch the frets they need too. So i was messing with 'She Talks To Angels' by The Black Crowes, figured out the first 4 notes in the intro, thyen the rest came over time. Hope you enjoy, it's ...
We’re trailing behind, You make us look bad Your sipping’s a crime Glad it’s not Irish Coffee The last thing you need is a drunken sway” There’s Red Bull in my back seat I’ve become a drink addict I haven’t dozed for 6 whole days ...
Walk This Way Tab Artist: Aerosmith Song: Walk This Way Tabber: Neptune Tuning: Standard 4/4 time The beat is: 120 = crochet. So if you've gotta a watch you can work out the timing accurately. Most of the lyrics are sung in semi-quavers too.[Intro]...