AERONET-OC: An overview. Can. J. Remote Sens. 2010, 36, 488-497.G. Zibordi, B. N. Holben, F. Mélin, D. D’Alimonte, J.-F. Berthon, I. Slutsker, and D. Giles, “AERONET-OC: an overview,” Can. J. Remote Sens. 36, 488–497 (2010)....
Time series of water constituents derived from AERONET-OC and SGLI data were compared to river discharge and spring-neap tidal cycle. The results indicated that the behavior, such as the increase of Chl-a after river discharge and interaction of Chl-a and TSM with the spring-neap tidal ...
Summer cases exhibit values above the average, while the opposite is observed for winter cases. As expected, the largest adjacency contributions occur for slanted satellite observations from over the land.Barbara BulgarelliGiuseppe ZibordiViatcheslav KiselevIRS 2012...
SGLI/GCOM-CAERONET-OCAriake SeaAtmospheric correctionIn-water algorithmChlorophyll-aTSMCDOMJournal of Oceanography - A station of AErosol RObotic NETwork Ocean Color (AERONET-OC) has been set on the Ariake Observation Tower of Saga University on April, 2018, for verification of the......
Using in situ spectral data collected by Aerosol Robotic Network-Ocean Color (AERONET-OC) sites, the performances of five types of AC methods over three different Landsat missions (i.e., Landsat 5/7/8) were evaluated. The Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) showed more accurate AC ...
AERONET-OCremote sensing reflectanceaerosol optical depthsThe choice of aerosol model in the atmospheric correction is critical in the process of the derivation of the water leaving radiances from the Ocean Color (OC) imagery for ocean monitoring. For the current sensors like MODIS, VIIR...
Verification Of MSI Low Radiance Calibration Over Coastal Waters, Using AERONET-OC NetworkSophie VillerotY Govaerts
Advances in the Ocean Color Component of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET-OC)doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-20-0085.1Giuseppe ZibordiBrent N. HolbenMarco TaloneDavide D'AlimonteIlya SlutskerDavid M. GilesMikhail G. SorokinAmerican Meteorological Society...
Comparison of three SeaWIFS atmospheric correction algorithms for turbid waters using AERONET-OC measurements. Remote Sens. Environ. 2011, 115, 1955-1965. [CrossRef]Jamet, C.; Loisel, H.; Kuchinke, C.P.; Ruddick, K.; Zibordi, G.; Feng, H. Comparison of three SeaWiFS atmospheric ...