Hotel pertinho do aeroporto. 点评日期: 2022年5月22日星期日 您觉得此点评是否有用?是|否 6.4 小一般 james(来自英国) 独行侠 单人间 入住了1晚(2020年2月) Clean and near airport and bus terminal” The main reason I'd recommend this hotel is almost entirely due to it's location. I flew in...
另外,Terminal One Mall也是一個不容錯過的購物地點,這裡有大型百貨公司和眾多的餐飲選擇,讓您享受購物和美食的雙重樂趣。無論您是購物愛好者還是美食家,這些購物勝地都能滿足您的需求。航空之星飯店的房價相對於芙蓉市的平均房價如何?航空之星飯店位於馬來西亞芙蓉市,提供優質的住宿體驗。這家飯店的房價相對於芙蓉市的...
航线酒店 (Hotel Aeropath) 2.5等级(最高为5等级) RZA -85, Road no 4, Block -RZ, Near IGI Airport (Aerocity), Mahipalpur, New Delhi, 110037, Delhi, India New Delhi, Delhi 110037, 英迪拉甘地国际机场(DEL), 新德里, 印度, 110037 - 查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通...
Regal Airport Hotel Hong Kong has been recognized as the World's Best Airport Hotel by Business Traveller UK Magazine. Directly connected to, and only a two-minute walk from the Arrival Hall A of Terminal 1 of Hong Kong International Airport, the Hotel is also in close proximity to the Asi...
Regal Airport Hotel Hong Kong has been recognized as the World's Best Airport Hotel by Business Traveller UK Magazine. Directly connected to, and only a two-minute walk from the Arrival Hall A of Terminal 1 of Hong Kong International Airport, the Hotel is also in close proximity to the Asi...
guests can take a shuttle bus to Amplas Bus Terminal. From there, they can transfer to a local minivan or angkot heading towards Tanjung Morawa. The ride may take around 1 hour, but it provides a unique opportunity to experience the local culture and scenery along the way. No matter which...
阿罗阿什酒店 (Hotel Aeroash) 3等级(最高为5等级) A 150 road 4ddtt no 9 mahipalpur new delhi, 英迪拉甘地国际机场(DEL), 新德里, 印度, 110037 - 查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于新德里英迪拉甘地国际机场(DEL)的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮...
Hotel pertinho do aeroporto. 評鑑日期:2022年5月22日 你覺得這篇評鑑是否有參考價值?有|沒有 6.4 滿意 james(來自英國) 單人旅遊 單人房 入住1晚(2020年2月) Clean and near airport and bus terminal” The main reason I'd recommend this hotel is almost entirely due to it's ...
Terminal 1 Motorcycle Parking Area 3.1公里 Batik Keris 3.1公里 蘇加諾-哈達國際機場 3.1公里 Circle K 3.1公里 顯示距離為地圖上點對點直線距離,實際旅程可能會有所差異。 住宿規定 兒童與加床收費標準 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的人數限制瞭解詳細規定。
空中驿站餐厅酒店(Aerostop Hotel and Restaurant) Rovelo's Variety Store and Canteen131 米 Jollibee Pulilan Junction1.82公里 Carinderia ni Ka Enteng1.63公里 Teodorico's Eat All You Can Restaurant1.8公里 Starbucks SM Center Pulilan1.86公里 TJN Pasalubong Foods Inc.1.15公里 ...