The Legacy of Fire: The Rise and Fall of House Targaryen - Main ImageThe hit HBO series Game of Thrones first introduced House Targaryen, beginning with the Targaryen siblings Viserys and Daenerys being the exiled remnants of an overthrown rule.With this family's fascinating lore, the prequel ...
of the Targaryen dynasty. Aegon Targaryen was also the real name of iconic GoT character Jon Snow, who will be the subject of one of several GoT spinoffs currently in development at HBO. On HOTD, ever since little Aegon II was first seen toddling around in Episode Th...
The Legacy of Fire: The Rise and Fall of House Targaryen - Main ImageThe hit HBO series Game of Thrones first introduced House Targaryen, beginning with the Targaryen siblings Viserys and Daenerys being the exiled remnants of an overthrown rule.With this family's fascinating lore, the prequel ...