AEGIS-128 Authenticated Cipher Yawning Angel (yawning at schwanenlied dot me) This package implements the AEGIS-128 algorithm from the final CAESAR portfolio. For now this implementation REQUIRES a 64 bit Intel target that supports both AVX and AES-NI. If a more compaitible AEAD primitive is ...
Support for the AEGIS-128 dedicated AEAD algorithm. config CRYPTO_AEGIS128_SIMD bool "Support SIMD acceleration for AEGIS-128" depends on CRYPTO_AEGIS128 && ((ARM || ARM64) && KERNEL_MODE_NEON) default y config CRYPTO_AEGIS128_AESNI_SSE2 ...
sodium_crypto_aead_aegis128l_decrypt( string$ciphertext, string$additional_data, string$nonce, #[\SensitiveParameter]string$key ):string|false Verify then decrypt a message with AEGIS-128L. 参数¶ ciphertext Must be in the format provided bysodium_crypto_aead_aegis128l_encrypt(). ...
Encryption key (128-bit). Return Values¶ Returns the plaintext on success, orfalseon failure. See Also¶ sodium_crypto_aead_aegis128l_encrypt()- Encrypt then authenticate a message with AEGIS-128L sodium_crypto_aead_aegis128l_keygen()- Generate a random AEGIS-128L key ...
Fix the AEGIS assembly code to access 'unsigned int' arguments as 32-bit values instead of 64-bit, since the upper bits of the corresponding 64-bit registers are not guaranteed to be zero. Note: there haven't been any reports of this bug actually causing incorrect behavior. Neither gcc ...
Generate a random key for use withsodium_crypto_aead_aegis128l_encrypt()andsodium_crypto_aead_aegis128l_decrypt(). 参数 此函数没有参数。 返回值 Returns a 128-bit random key. 参见 sodium_crypto_aead_aegis128l_decrypt()- Verify then decrypt a message with AEGIS-128L ...
问错误:[script/Makefile.modinst:33:arch/x86/crypto/aegis128 128-ercni.ko]EN配置docker本地仓库的方法参考: 在执行一下命令的时候遇到一些问题,记录如下: 000 复制 # pip install docker-registry Searching for M2Crypto==...
微星MEG Aegis Ti5(i9 11900K/128GB/2TB+3TB/RTX3090)参数页面提供真实的微星MEG Aegis Ti5(i9 11900K/128GB/2TB+3TB/RTX3090)配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解微星MEG Aegis Ti5(i9 11900K/128GB/2TB+3TB/RTX3090)。
MSI 微星 MEG Aegis Ti5 台式机 黑色(酷睿i9-10900K、RTX 3070 8G、128GB、10TB SSD、水冷) 完善信息 暂无报价 降价提醒 当前规格: 颜色 黑色 处理器 酷睿i9-10900K 内存容量 128GB 硬盘容量 10TB SSD 显卡 RTX 3070 8G商品介绍 完善信息 待完善 ...
商品msi 微星 宙斯盾 3 Aegis 3 家用电脑主机 (128GB、GTX 1060 6GB、16GB、Core i7-8700) 完善信息 暂无报价降价提醒 当前规格: 处理器 Core i7-8700 显卡 GTX 1060 6GB 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 规格查看更多 处理器 Core i7-8700 显卡 GTX 1060 6GB ...