MK-45舰炮直接由神盾系统中的MK-34舰炮武器系统(Gun Weapon System,GWS)控制;MK-34由MK-160火炮计算机系统与K-46 Mod0光电射控仪(包含前视红外线以及电视摄影机)组成,火炮射击所需的侦测与追踪资料由SPY-1D相位阵列雷达、SPS-67平面搜索雷达以及MK-46 Mod0光电射控仪负责提供,因此不再需要专门的X波段照射...
美国海军的防御盾牌,宙斯盾战斗系统(Aegis combat system)如同一座不可逾越的神盾,其发展历程堪称技术和战术的精密融合。从最初的提康德罗加级巡洋舰(如PT-525/UTA-21)和柏克级驱逐舰(AN/UYQ-70)的战情中心,到如今的多代显示器升级,神盾系统从Baseline 0起步,历经九次迭代,逐步引入了诸如MK-...
Details of the Aegis combat system Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are equipped with the Aegis combat system, which integrates the ship’s sensors and weapon systems to engage anti-ship missile threats. The Aegis system features a federated architecture with four subsystems, including an AN/SPY-1 ...
“The U.S. Navy has capability and capacity gaps against advanced threats at sea,” Copeman told Defense News in a Jan. 18 interview. ThePatriotmissile is “a combat-proven weapon against advanced threats, against hypersonic [weapons].” The capability is “definitelycomplementary to wha...