为了适应在华业务的发展,Aedas亚洲有限公司(Aedas Asia Limited)于近期成立,并注册成为香港建筑师学会企业会员。香港建筑师学会在2017年周年大会上,将企业会员证书授予了Aedas亚洲有限公司代表——Aedas中国区董事总经理黄威林先生。 凭借Aedas董事及员工们的创造性和专业性,我们期待在未来几年中Aedas亚洲有限公司在全球特别...
1、凯达环球(亚洲)有限公司(Aedas Asia Limited)、华通设计顾问工程有限公司联合体; 2、同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司、北京市住宅建筑设计研究院有限公司、AND STUDIO联合体; 3、天津大学建筑设计规划研究总院有限公司、M.Arthur Gensler Jr.&Associates,Inc联合体; 二、竞赛回...
深圳市城市交通规划设计研究中心股份有限公司 // 凯达环球(亚洲)有限公司(Aedas Asia Limited) // Archiland Consultant International Pte .Ltd. // 仲量联行(深圳)商务咨询有限公司 △ 总平面图 设计理念:为打造大湾区国际消费先锋的最佳首选地,整体城市设计以无界、沉浸、绿洲为策略,构建四轴双环的城市结构,创建绿洲...
At this year’s Asia Pacific Property Awards, four Aedas projects have been named Regional Nominees and will compete at the International Property Awards 2023 to be the Asia Pacific’s Bests and ultimate World’s Bests. The awards highlight the innovation and design excellence of the t...
Extensive experience having worked in Asia-Pacific regions such as Hong Kong, Mainland of China or Singapore Fully conversant with space planning and designing for new strategies Capable of providing creative design solutions specific to each Client Excellent communication skills to maintain relationships...
客户: Rock Productions Pte Ltd., CapitaMalls Asia Ltd. 设计团队: Aedas 结构工程师: Parsons Brinckerhoff, Thornton Tomasetti (Before DD Stage) 环境工程: Arup Singapore Pte Ltd. 消防工程: Arup Singapore Pte Ltd. 立面: Alt Limited 机电工程: Mott Macdonald ...
provide an interactive cultural and entertainment experience from integrating diverse functions including conferential, office, and commercial elements. The project will be part of the urban fabric, and a trade center model connecting Asia and Europe.” said Dong Wei Wang, Executive Director of Aedas...
What we do / Architecture / Mixed use / Xihongmen Mixed-use Development, Da Xing District < Back to Events 07 December 2017
业主:陕西南飞鸿实业有限公司 Xi'an Yan Cheng Investment Company Limited 06 综合体建筑 Mix Use Architectural Designs 项目名称:杭州望廷 Hangzhou One Future 获奖者:Aedas 业主:杭州巨门置业有限公司 Hangzhou Jumen Real Estate Co., Ltd 07 办公建筑 Office Building ...
新加坡业业业商文化 业合体 师师建筑:AndrewBrombergofAeda s 地点:新加坡,1VistaExchange Green 师师客:RockProductionsPteLtd andCapitaMallsAsiaLimited 师师面:62,000sqm 年份:2012 师影:CourtesyofAedas 师师师师师师师师师文字来自建筑。目旨在成 师师师师师师师师师师师师师师一个充活力的城市据点,它有...