The International Design Awards (IDA) is pleased to present Winners in Architecture, Interior, Product, Graphic, and Fashion categories. - ENOC Future Mobility Station – Dubai Expo 2020 by Ignacio Gomez, Aedas Architects Fz LLC
Environmental Consultant Anthesis Consulting Fire Enginner Design Confidence Lift Engineer Cooper & Wilcock FZ LLC Landscape Consultant ALN Project Year 2016 Photographs Courtesy of Aedas and AsymmetricA, Courtesy of Aedas and Labtop Rendering Architects Aedas Fire Engineer Design ConfidenceRelated...
项目名称:万科龙华会景观设计 Shanghai Vanke Longhuahui 获奖者:Bill Bensley & SED新西林景观设计 SED Landscape Architects Limited 业主:上海万科企业有限公司 Shanghai Vanke Co.,Ltd 45 住宅景观 Residential Landscape 项目名称:Le Bonheur 获奖者:Cohere Design Company Limited 业主:新鸿基地产 Sun Hung Kai P...
项目名称:万科龙华会景观设计 Shanghai Vanke Longhuahui 获奖者:Bill Bensley & SED新西林景观设计 SED Landscape Architects Limited 业主:上海万科企业有限公司 Shanghai Vanke Co.,Ltd 45 住宅景观 Residential Landscape 项目名称:Le Bonheur 获奖者:Cohere Design Company Limited 业主:新鸿基地产 Sun Hung Kai P...