do not touch the patient,analyzing ECG/rhythm(请不要接触病人,正在分析心电图/心律) shock advised/no shock advised(建议除颤/未建议除颤) stand clear(远离病人) charging(充电中) press the shock button(按下“电击”键) shock delivered(放电完毕) check...
shock advised/no shock advised 建议除颤/未建议除颤 stand clear 远离病人 charging 充电中 press the shock button 按下“电击”键 shock delivered 放电完毕 check patient,if no pulse do CPR 检查病人,如没有脉搏,进行CPR 欢迎您的下载, 资料仅供参考! 致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等...
6. No Shock Advised: If the AED determines that a shock is not needed, it will clearly advise against it, ensuring that users don’t inadvertently deliver a shock when it’s not required. 7. Pad Placement Guidance: AEDs often provide visual and voice prompts to guide users on proper pad...
AED是多义词,共2个义项 自动体外除颤器又称自动体外电击器、自动电击器、自动除颤器、心脏除颤器及傻瓜电击器等,是一种便携式的医疗设备,它可以诊断特定的心律失常,并且给予电击除颤,是可被非专业人员使用的用于抢救心源性猝死患者的医疗设备。 2015年2月20日,自动除颤器亮相杭州街头 ,急救有望实现"黄金3分钟"。...
The article reports that University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing associate professor Barbara Riegel trains people on the correct use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).EBSCO_bspEhs Today
Since a flat line rhythm is uncommon to recover from, it typically denotes clinical death. An AED that detects a “flat line” will display “No Shock Advised” and tell you to continue performing CPR. What are the 2 rhythms an AED will detect?
所以要看到,仅有AED是不够的,必须要搭配CPR进行,否则只能盯着屏幕上的直线和NO SHOCK ADVISED发呆。...
If the AED states “no shock advised”, restart CPR. If the AED informs you that a shock is required, clear the individual—avoid all contact with them and clear away the oxygen. Assess visually that the individual is clear and shout loudly, “CLEAR!” Press “Shock” ...
常用语音提示 attach pads 连接电极板 do not touch the patient,analyzing ECG/rhythm 请不要接触病人,正在分析心电图(心律) shock advised/no shock advised 建议除颤 / 未建议除颤 stand clear 远离病人 charging 充电中 press the shock button 按下“电击”键 shock delivered 放电完毕 check patient,if no ...
■ Make sure no one is touching the person. ⑥Deliver a shock if the AED determines one is needed. ■ Make sure no one is touching the person. ■ Push the ''shock'' button to deliver the shock. ⑦After the AED delivers the shock, or ...