U.S. Project Manager, Asia-Pacific Contracts (在职员工) - Aiken, SC - 2021年4月27日 Management is completely disconnected from individual contributors. Raises are few and far between, and promotions are a literal fight to get. Senior management has no problems increasing their bonuses every yea...
IWA Publishing - AECOM - Senior Project Manager/Municipal Engineer
由于AECOM承接的基本都是大型项目,所以由承接项目的Business Director去选择想要合作的Design Director,然后以studio的形式组合搭配associate以及designer来组成一个项目组。一个项目组的人数视项目规模而定,一般由4-6个designer,1-2个Senior,1个director组成。 █ 项目来源: 国内外的各种大型项目,国际竞赛,包括跨办公室...
Senior Architect 上海市 30+天前 5.0 Family Atmosphere Project Manager(离职员工)-Scottsdale, AZ-2018年9月13日 Everyone works together to give our clients the best product everyday. Team work and the constant teaching and mentoring plans for everyone to be successful and grow within the company ...
Senior Architect 上海市 30+天前 4.0 Utilization Rate Project Controls Manager(在职员工)-Denver, CO-2018年10月29日 Work culture is all about your utilization rate. Employees are widgets which must be billable to be worth keeping around. Plan on finding your own work with no help from manageme...
Senior Urban Planner/Project Manager (离职员工) - 北京市, C22 - 2015年4月1日 Very first job. Spent 5 years with the company, growing and struggling. What you really miss after you left is how great the company used to be. 优点 Career opportunities. Top of the league. 缺点 Disorganized...
Senior Project Manager in Adelaide 5.0 on 9 September 2024 Supportive workplace Great company and projects to work on. Good pay and flexibility with work hours. Lots of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Good culture Engineer in Sydney NSW ...
Senior Urban Planner/Project Manager (离职员工) - 北京市, C22 - 2015年4月1日 Very first job. Spent 5 years with the company, growing and struggling. What you really miss after you left is how great the company used to be. 优点 Career opportunities. Top of the league. 缺点 Disorganized...
Senior Urban Planner/Project Manager (离职员工) - 北京市, C22 - 2015年4月1日 Very first job. Spent 5 years with the company, growing and struggling. What you really miss after you left is how great the company used to be. 优点 Career opportunities. Top of the league. 缺点 Disorganized...
Senior Urban Planner/Project Manager (离职员工) - 北京市, C22 - 2015年4月1日 Very first job. Spent 5 years with the company, growing and struggling. What you really miss after you left is how great the company used to be. 优点 Career opportunities. Top of the league. 缺点 Disorganized...