AEC循环水处理技术的工业应用.pdf,2003 年7 月 工业水处理 Jui. ,2003 第23 卷第7 期 Industriai Water Treatment VOi. 23 NO. 7 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AEC 循环水处理技术的工业应用 杨会林,刘吉平 (兰州石化合成橡胶厂,甘肃 兰州 730060
IndustriaWaterTreatment Ju.,2003 V .23N .7 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 四块挂片均光亮如新,没有斑点,这说明在配方转化 过程中,系统腐蚀已得到有效控制,没有发现腐蚀现 象。我厂又分别于AEC技术投用后15c,24c和 30c对挂片取出进行自然干燥后称量,腐蚀速率均 ...
Andrés, S.; Del Solar, P.; De La Peña, A.; Vivas, M.D. Implementation of BIM in Spanish construction industry = Implementación BIM en la industria española de la construcción.Build. Manag.2017,1, 1–8. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] ...
Empirical Study on the Non-government Finance Developments and the Industrial Structure Changes —— A Comparison Based on the Financial Angle of Industria... The mechanism defect of Wenzhou non-government finance has made crucial impact on the Industrial Structure adjustment and the regional economy ...
T he Tow nshi p industrial projects , in principle, t o put to the West industria l parks. What t own proje ct, is t hat the output value of the Tow nshi p. Se cond, w e must grasp t he standards sele cted items . Full account of extend the industr y chai n and the i...