BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology Co., Ltd. 注册地址 苏州工业园区星湖街218号纳米科技园C25栋附近企业 经营范围 研发大环内脂、多肽、多糖、杂环、唑类、嗪类、苯醚类、四环素类化合物,生产非药品类大环内脂、多肽、多糖、杂环、唑类、嗪类、苯醚类、四环素类化合物,销售本公司所生产的产品,并提供有关技...
英文名Guangdong Kaiyang MEDICAL Technology Group Co., Ltd. 注册地址佛山市南海区狮山镇虹岭三路21号之一(住所申报)附近企业 经营范围一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;锻件及粉末冶金制品制造;五金产品制造;塑料制品制造;喷涂加工;第二类医疗器械销售;锻件及粉末冶金制品销售;五金...
Medical science of the unique conjugate activated factor for the human nuclear receptor and diagnostic useThe protein which functioning as the important constitution component of the clinical test which diagnoses the disease of the person the hormone receptor (the especially androgen receptor) as ...
Medical image denoising on field programmable gate array using finite Radon transform 来自 IEEEXplore 喜欢 0 阅读量: 30 作者:Ahmad,A.,Amira,Rabah,H.,Berviller,Y.摘要: This study presents the design and implementation of efficient architectures for finite Radon transform (FRAT) on a field ...
The content and quality of medical information available on video sharing websites such as YouTube is not known. We analyzed the source and quality of medical information about Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) disseminated on YouTube and the video characteristics that influence viewer behavior. An inqu...
The medical electronic thermometer provided by the present utility model can make that the complete electronic display part is separated from the temperature sensing sensor, and can enable all sensors interchangeable. Sensors made using the separation and interchange technique has small size, is easy ...
未 ** 联系人:未知 职位预测:未知 来源:工商企业年报2016 工商企业年报2017 立即查看 关联企业 查看全部 相似企业 延吉市朝阳川镇华美饲料商店 法人代表:李淑贤 注册资本:--万元 地域:延边 经营范围:\\动物饲料、添加剂*** 地址:朝阳川朝阳街 1 黑龙江省双鸭山市宝清县朝阳乡朝阳村村...
Shanghai Benjia Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. 曾用名 - 所属行业 批发业 经营范围 一般项目:第二类医疗器械销售;第一类医疗器械销售;计算机软硬件及辅助设备零售;计算机软硬件及辅助设备批发;电子产品销售;五金产品零售;五金产品批发;日用杂品销售;办公设备销售;成人情趣用品销售(不含药品、医疗器械);消毒剂销售...
A MILF at the Doctors (Mature Cougar Woman Devours Inexperienced Young Doctor in Medical Erotica Fantasy) 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13132 作者: T Westwood 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 相似文献...
Jiangmen Xinli Medical Apparatus and Instruments Co., Ltd. 曾用名 江门市江海区新力医疗器械有限公司 所属行业 专用设备制造业 经营范围 生产、加工、销售:一类医疗器械、电子产品、电动按摩器、不锈钢制品、工艺美术品;经营第二类医疗器械。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)股东...