为了构建类似U-Net的用于分层学习的掩码自编码器,我们对点云按 尺度进行编码,每个尺度上的点数不同,并将标准的普通编码器相应修改为 S-级架构。 在MAE之后,我们将点云嵌入到离散的点token中,并随机掩蔽它们以进行重建。 重要的是,对于多尺度架构中不规则分布的点,要求暴露的可见空间区域不仅在一个尺度内保持一致...
Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China (IVPP); the Kitakyushu Museum and Institute of Natural History, Kitakyushu, Japan (KMNH); the Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (PIN); and the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology, Ann Arbor, Michigan (UMMP)....
Mesenteric and celiac lymph nodes were enlarged and there was a slight serosanguinous transudate in the abdominal cavity (Bryant et al., 1983). Extraintestinal infections have been observed in rhesus macaques; however, these cases were associated with compromised immune function (Clemmons et al.,...
Cordulegastridae 3 Corduliidae 5 Gomphidae 1 Lestidae 9 Libellulidae 9 Macromiidae 3 Trichoptera Brachycentridae 1 Calamoceratidae* 3 Glossosomatidae 0 Helicopsychidae 3 Hydropsychidae 4 Hydroptilidae 4 Lepidostomatidae 1 Leptoceridae 4 Limnephilidae 4 Molannidae 6 Odontoceridae 0 ...
U. a. Verbreitung von Klonen im Urwald durch Dajaks; Kultur von einheimischen und mitgebrachten Klonen durch eingewanderte Chinesen, welche Pfefferkulturen anlegten, und Derris-Wurzelextrakte zur Bekampfung von schadlichen Insekten verwendeten; Beschrei-bung und Evaluation durch Einheimische von ...
Interest in biological control of water hyacinth developed simultaneously between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the British Ministry of Overseas Development (Bennett & Zwölfer, 1968). Research developed along two lines. Surveys for natural enemies were carried out in Guyana, Surinam, the...
Ræder, I.L.U., Paulsen, S.M., Smalås, A.O. and Willassen, N.P. (2007) Effect of skin mucus on the soluble proteome of Vibrio salmonicida amalysed by 2-D gel electrophoresis and tandem mass spectrometry. Microbial Pathogenesis 42, 36–45. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Ra...
although a key to larvae in the U.S.S.R. (Glukhova, 1977) includes most genera found in North America. Most larvae are carnivores; others are herbivores ordetritivores. Pupae ofaquatic specieshang in the surface film by their respiratoryhorns. Adults of a few aquatic species bite people ...
Thesaurus Wikipedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.Dicamptodontidae- large and small highly aquatic salamanders family Dicamptodontidae amphibian family- any family of amphibians Caudata,order Caudata,order Urodella,Urodella- salamanders; newts; congo snakes ...