Where the same factor binds to a number of LTRs, the same symbol has been used. The TRE elements in PTLV-1 are the Tax-responsive elements. The blue arrow marks the beginning of transcription. Note that the scale of the lower panel is twofold different from that in the upper panel....
The symbol "<" indicates that the pattern is restricted to the N terminus, and X is any amino acid. (B) Western blotting analysis results of the lipoproteins extracted with Triton X-114. Full size image Purification of recombinant MtsA To be able to further characterize MtsA, we first ...
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The symbol "<" indicates that the pattern is restricted to the N terminus, and X is any amino acid. (B) Western blotting analysis results of the lipoproteins extracted with Triton X-114. Full size image Purification of recombinant MtsA To be able to further characterize MtsA, we first ...