Among those, the family Scyliorhinidae (sensu Soares & Mathubara48) is monophyletic and recovered as the first offshoot of carcharhiniforms with maximal node support. Atelomycteridae and Pentanchidae (sensu Soares & Mathubara48) are recovered respectively as the second and third offshoots of ...
Security support for the ladder of chordaeREIS SOARES REYNALDO ANTHONY DOS
Campo RJ, Chueire LMO, Nicolás MF, Pereira-Ferrari L, Silva J L da C, Gioppo NMR, Margarido VP, Menck-Soares MA, Pinto FGS, Simão R de CG, Takahashi EK, Yates MG, Souza EM (2011) Genome of Herbaspirillum seropedicae strain SmR1, a specialized diazotrophic endophyte of tropical gra...
sampled from one of the paratypes of the species (CSIRO H 5890–01), this suggests a need to revise the systematics of this species. The close relationship between the families Proscylliidae and Pseudotriakidae (estimated crown ages between 117.6 Ma, 95% HPD = 89.7–143.0 Ma; and ...
da Silva de Souza, A.C.; Correa, V.G.; Goncalves, G.A.; Soares, A.A.; Bracht, A.; Peralta, R.M. Agaricus blazei bioactive com-pounds and their effects on human health: Benefits and controversies. Curr. Pharm. Des. 2017, 23, 2807–2834. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]...
Plano e Integração Regional da República da Guiné-Bissau, Soares Sambú; Ministro da Economia da República Portuguesa, Pedro Reis; Secretário Executivo do Ministério do Empreendedorismo, da Microempresa e da Empresa de Pequeno Porte da Repúbl...
AC Soares,RMD Oliveira,A Brisolari,A Sales,D Goncalves 摘要: Contact angle measurements, along with those of density, were performed in order to better understand the wetting characteristics of two types of wood; from Araucaria angustifolia and Pinus elliottii, under controlled experimental conditions...
认证房东 快速回复 14处房源 • 10+ 个订单 • 13 条点评 酒店优势 卫生优选 洁净如新 距离公交设施630米 性价比之选 空间与客房公寓(120 m²) 最多可入住6位客人 2间卧室 2间浴室 厨房 位置 邦芬, 波图, 葡萄牙 (距市中心1.25公里) 停车服务免费 ...
作者: CORRÊA,RD Amorim,LOPES,R Magalhães,OLIVEIRA,DE LUCIANA,CAMPOS,FTA Figueiredo,REIS,MA Soares 展开 摘要: Introduction: Besides the improvement we have had in the diagnostic methods, the causative agent in around 50% of the cases of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains unknown, ...
dos Santos, Marinalva MartinsCarvalho Reis, Leticia AlvesFerreira, Evander AlvesRocha de Souza, Michael WillianGomes, Janaina Baldezda Silva, Isabel MoreiraSerrao, Jose EduardoSoares, Marcus AlvarengaZanuncio, Jose ColaFlorida Entomologist: An International Journal for the Americas...