Philippines president invite of poise mightiness attraction she of advocator , but she emphasize a can accept a husband of kiss. 菲律宾总统阿罗约的风度强烈吸引着她的拥护者,但她强调只能接受丈夫的亲吻。 4. The advocator and organizer of this symposium is the American female ...
advocator 英['ædvəkeɪtə] 美['ædvəˌkeɪtə] 释义 n. 拥护者,提倡者 实用场景例句 全部 Liszt is both the theme music creator, and its enthusiasticadvocator. 李斯特是标题音乐的创始者, 也是热情的倡导者. 互联网 Dickson Furniture looks at itself as anadvocatorof quality ...
必应词典为您提供advocator.的释义,美['ædvəˌkeɪtə],英['ædvəkeɪtə],n. 拥护者; 网络释义: 提倡者;倡导者;鼓吹者;
advocator [英['ædvəkeɪtə]美['ædvəˌkeɪtə]] advocator的意思、解释 n.拥护者,提倡者 更多
Hangzhou author yu hua is one advocator of this " living in hangzhou program " . 杭州作家余华是本次“居住杭州计划”的倡议者之一。 Nurses have changed from the nursing performer to professionals who have to carry out multi roles as educator , attendant , advocator and administrator . 护士从一...
advocator 级别 附加级 音标 [ 'ædvəkeɪtə ] 解释 n. 拥护者,提倡者,鼓吹者 英英释义 发音 例句 1. Liszt is both the theme music creator, and its enthusiastic advocator. 李斯特是标题音乐的创始者,也是热情的倡导者。 2. Dickson Furniture looks at itself as an advocator of ...
'Advocator'对应的中文翻译是'提倡者'或'拥护者'。该词特指公开支持某种观点、主张或行动的个人或群体,常见于法律、社会运动或公共政策等场景中。下文将从词汇属性、使用场景、相关词汇对比三个角度展开说明。 词汇属性解析 作为名词使用时,'advocator'强调主动推广的行为特质,常与具体...
advocator和advocate在表达“拥护者”含义时的核心区别在于词性特征、使用范围及语境习惯。advocator属于单一词性的特定名词,使用频率较低;advocate则兼具名词和动词属性,应用场景更广泛,搭配灵活度更高。 一、词性定位差异 advocator是纯粹的名词,仅用于指代支持或提倡某类观点的人。...
advocator “advocator”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 名词n. 1. 拥护者;提倡者