When Faced With Cancer, Some People Ask: Why Not Me? Cancer Health’s editor-in-chief notes that the fall 2024 issue will motivate you to see life’s proverbial glass as half full. Advertisement Newsletter Email updates from Real Health ...
Japan ME Association joins for the first time through its participation in the event in Geneva, where messages from Japanese ME patients will be displayed among those from many other countries. The International Alliance for ME is a joint international advocacy movement ...
balanced and self-advocacy enjoys a certain level of visibility. However, the dominance of parents is still unchallenged internationally: it is parents or professionals who represent people with intellectual disabilities in several ‘national disability councils’ across Europe, for example in Greece, ...
theNational Board of Trial Advocacy ("NBTA") offers board certification in civil trial law, civil pretrial practice, truck accident law, criminal trial law, family trial law, and Social Security disability law. This non-profit corporation is accredited by the American Bar Association as a board...
and concept in ME, which, in essence, asserts, instead of being objectively physically limited, that ME patients falsely believe, as the result of a dysfunctional effort perception, that they are unable to exert themselves past their limits, resulting in deconditioning and functional disability. NIH...
Though she’s experienced her own serious health struggles, Hurt, said it’s the battles with the healthcare system over Emmett’s treatment that give her ammunition to better advocate for cancer patients. Emmett, who experiences hypotonia due to his disability, requires a dedicated caregiver. ...
We need someone watching out for us at all times - especially if we might be unconscious In a perfect world I would love to see all chronic illness patients given an advocate at the time of diagnosis. Someone like a disability doula who's job it is to help them navigate the complex med...
Let us talk about language and vocabulary. Language problems are often due to a variety of factors. One factor may be that the student has a language-based learning disability which makes it difficult for such children to process written or spoken language. Many have trouble understanding vocabula...
If you are a parent of a child with a disability or know a parent of a child with a disability who needs assistance navigating the Special Education system please refer them to Personalized Learning Solutions so we can offer assistance in helping to prepare for any upcoming ARD/IEP or Section...
It’s become trendy for businesses and organizations to use words like “Diversity” and “Inclusive” without actually taking any steps toward creating diversity or inclusion. Hiring an individual with a disability, but then making no effort to support their success, does not empower anyone, and...