Sadly,Ann Coultercontinues to make me rethink my position whenever I agree with her. She briefly became my favorite columnist during the Clinton impeachment scandal, but she continues to spew forth semi-Fascist rants in the post-9/11 world. She’s clever and not bad to look at, but it ge...
Company Employment Project Management Competella Contact Center Conceptboard Conclude Condition Management Conferences i/o Confluence Cloud Confluence Connector by MWF Connect (Enboarder) Contact Center Contact Center | Contact QR Contacts by XPhone Contacts Manager Contacts Pro Contatta Contentful... September 7, 2012 The Blue Cascade: A Memoir of Life after War
Oddly, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) employees who wrote up thesea ice summary for Junefelt it appropriate to bring up a recently-published prediction of impending doom for Southern Hudson Bay polar bears based on a sea ice prediction (Stroeve et al. 2024), which I covered...
Maybe the school waffles, so get gifted testing at a private center and bring the results to the school. Parents can get the test privately, take the results to the school, and demand that the child be enrolled in the gifted program. ML: That’s real advocacy. KB: It’s unfortunate ...
artists have said to me, “I don’t need to join SoundExchange, I’m already a member of BMI.” (Or ASCAP.) Then I have to explain to them why SoundExchange collects an entirely different royalty–for the performance of the sound recording not the song. It’s SoundExchange for ...
In some way, mentally, Ilivein this place. I made over ten attempts to secure two hostages near a wind farm, failing every time, until I was so mad that I just backed an armored truck through the wall of their detention center. As I drove away, there was something compelling about the...
“How do we connect somebody in rural Mississippi with the latest and greatest treatment that I had to an NCI Cancer Center? Telehealth,” she said.
The family riding this bike parked it outside the Jewish Community Center while we were there for an event with only the wheel lock, so they didn’t need a rack. I thought that was tempting fate when I first looked at it, but realized that without the need for a rack, they could ...
My thanks go out toThe Ontario Center for Religious Tolerancefor this one: Dr. James Dobson'sFocus on the Familyfoundation produces a weekly radio play that they callAdventures in Odyssey. It's a Brady-Bunch meets the Bible sort of thing, where the kids get into all sorts of trouble and...