Jones Day partner Sushma Jobanputra offers advice to young women leadersJonesDay
Advice for young women: “You do the same thing a male will do. You follow your passions. You find something you love. The truth is, so few people really jump on their jobs, you really will stand out more than you think. You will get noticed if you really go for it.” Mary Barra...
Striking a healthy work-life balance is crucial. But this can be a challenge, particularly for women with family commitments. “Work the hours needed to get promoted. This will require you, at times, to let down your family and, at other times, to let down your boss. Be prepared for d...
For young women, knowing where to touch and how isn’t exactly a skill you were born with. Dr. Jawed-Wessel, however, has some great tips. First and foremost, she says, don’t worry about trying to have an orgasm. Just touch yourself and try to determine what feels good. “Like, ...
FemTech Leaders is a blog for women, written by women. Our unique female perspective covers topics from business to technology. Join us in celebrating womanhood!
Ensure your women leaders have equal opportunity to share their ideas and give them credit for good ideas when credit is due. [Ponomariova_Maria | Getty] Inspirational women leaders share insights, challenges, and offer advice to help other women crush business goals....
Top 5 Tips For Phone Interview Success by Ash Rao - Career Coach /Corp Recruiter - Dallas This Is The Shocking Truth About Men And Women Leaders [Infographic] by Heather Huhman How To Create a Big First Impression with Your CV by Andrew Fennell Six Very Weird Job-Hunting Strategies… That...
This International Women's Day, we asked a few of our senior partner women what advice they have for women building their careers today.
Paul instructs Timothy in how to relate to various types of people in the church: Old men, young men, Old women, young women, Older widows, younger widows, Sound elders, sinning elders, and Slaves.
Whether it's on the soccer field or inside an office, women can face unique challenges when trying to navigate their careers and move up the ranks in an