Regardless as to which situation you're in, though — or whether you're in a different one altogether — look at the clean slate that being a college freshman offers you as an opportunity to prove your mettle. 2. That goes for your social life, too. For reals. 3. Don...
Here’s what I want my little sister to know about being a high school freshman. I think this advice for incoming freshman is universal and will help all young people through their high school and even college years. Advice For High School Freshman My youngest sister Lizzy was a junior brid...
High School Advice for Incoming Freshmen 1. Don’t worry so much. There are lots of these pre-freshman-years lists, so many that it can seem likehigh schoolis a rickety bridge hung over lava, so treacherous that we must advise you on everything, lest you slip and become human fondue....
I recommend incoming Freshman DO NOT play summer baseball with their piers. Even the bat boy learns from being with the boys! 2020/10/7上午11:26 ️ 1Consultant10,000+ posts One year I drove my daughter to her 1st year at UCSB. I mentioned she was going for the ...
one of several college students from Geneva who supplied some up-to-date advice (especially compared to that from parents, who went to school a long, long time ago) to incoming college freshmen."Time management was a big problem" for many students, Wehrmeister said of his own freshman year...
The famous personalities told many personal anecdotes about their time at college and had advice for the incoming students on topics ranging from hygiene to time management. ADVERTISEMENT Nick Cannon, who is juggling his studies alongside a variety of jobs while raising children, advised stude...
From my experiences here after the first semester, I know what I have gotten myself into, and would like to share my knowledge with incoming Freshman. The first piece of advice I would like to share with future students is to be prepared. I tried during the summer to get ready for ...
There are dozens of lists all over the internet of dorm room essentials, the best school supplies on the market, and anything and everything you could possibly need once you’ve entered the glittering gates of your college of choice. As an incoming freshman, I have probably read more of ...
it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. Your college should have a to-do list for incoming students or some kind of admitted freshman checklist to complete before the school year begins. While writing this article, I Googled “UO to do list freshman” and found a lis...
Students, how many of you recall a day in freshman year when you thought everything was falling apart, only to look back today and smile at your resilience and maybe even at your fourteen-year-old naivety? Parents, how many times did your kid do something that drove you crazy in the mo...