Referral to free legal advice and other assistance would be provided where necessary. However, past experiences revealed that it was not easy to obtain consensus among owners of the same building to form an OC. 然而,過往的經驗顯示, 要同一幢大廈的業主彼此達成共識成...
The advice and assistance provided by such a solicitor cover giving general advice, writing letters, negotiating, getting a barrister’s opinion and preparing a written case. 有關律師所提供的諮詢及協助涵蓋一般意見、撰寫書函、 談判、諮詢大律 師的意見及擬備訴訟書。
UNDP provides technical assistance and policy advice, and helps create a space for open and informed policy dialogue on critical and emerging development issues, for MDG-based NSEDP implementation, monitoring and evaluation for the poor, through the RTP. UN-2 Technical advice provided to the Mini...
Regarding criminal legal aid, different levels of services (such as legaladvice,advocacy assistance and representation)aresubjecttodifferent financial eligibility limits. 至於刑事法律援助方面,不同的服 務水平(例如法律意見、訟辯協助及法律代表)設有不同的財務 資格上限。
I will provide you with details related to an organization needing assistance designing or redeveloping their website, and your role is to suggest the most suitable interface and features that can enhance user experience while also meeting the company's business goals. You should use your ...
assistance and advice in implementing the manual 7.请会员国考虑在打击绑架行为的国家努力中使用根据第 59/154 号决议 编制的业务手册,并请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室在其任务授权范围内应请 求向会员国提供执行该手册方面的技 术援助 Press the manual override on...
assistanceandadviceconcerningsettlementbymediation, and the cost of mediation would also be covered by legal aid. 對於獲法律援助的僱員,其獲委 派的法律代表會向其提供任何有關透過調解解決爭議方面所需 的協助及意見,而調解費用亦會由法律援助支付。
where victims can receive comprehensive assistance, protection and intervention services, including health and social services, legal advice and police assistance [...] 设立专门单位,这些单位应受过如何处理暴力侵害妇女案件所涉复杂情况和受害 人敏感问题方面的专门训练,而且受害人可从这...
services of outside counsel for the provision of advice and assistance in peacekeeping matters requiring [...] 行 预咨委会获悉,恢复这项经费是为了保留外部顾问的服务,以便就需要解释国内 法或在国家法院代理出庭的维和事项 提 供咨询 和协 助。 [...] ...
An applicant does not need to have received Advice and Assistance before being able to proceed to apply for Legal Aid. 申請人無需先接受意見及協助服務,才可進而申請法律援 助。 have also sought and received advice and further information from the Department of ...