通过netsh advfirewall命令,用户可以执行一系列操作,常用的子命令包括: netsh advfirewall show:显示当前防火墙的配置和状态。 netsh advfirewall set:设置防火墙的配置。 netsh advfirewall export:导出防火墙的设置到一个文件中(例如.wfw文件)。 netsh advfirewall import:从文件导入防火墙的设置。 netsh advfirewall...
在所有配置文件中记录被断开的连接: 再次提到Show命令: 这个show命令将让你可以查看所有不同的配置文件中的设置和全局属性。
10.查询防火墙规则:使用netsh可能需要做的第一件事是发现Windows防火墙的当前配置属性。您可以使用以下netsh命令查询Windows防火墙设置: netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all 1. 9.启用和禁用Windows防火墙:通常最好的做法是保持Windows防火墙启用,但是有时在执行测试或设置新应用程序时,需要关闭Windows防火墙一...
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=alldir=intype=dynamic Display all the settingsforall inbound rules called "allow browser": netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="allow browser"verbose 查看已知的某个具体防火墙规则配置(比如我想查看名为blockfirefox)的防火墙规则 netsh advfirewall firewal...
c:\netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all profile=public dir=in group="File and Printer Sharing"It throws the error: 'group' is not a valid argument for this command.There exists a group called "File and Printer Sharing" which comprises at least these rulesFile...
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule status=enabled name=all | select-string -pattern "(LocalPort.*445)|(LocalPort.*Any)" -context 9,4 If you encounter any problems or require further assistance, please inform me. CMD - Check if exist firewall rule, and add if not, I need some ...
After creating the rule, you can use the command **netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=**rulename verbose to view the SDDL string for that computer or group. Be sure to delete the temporary rule when you are finished. The localport=teredo option is valid for protocol=udp only....
Show 5 more This article describes how to use the netsh advfirewall firewall context instead of the netsh firewall context to control Windows Firewall behavior. Original KB number: 947709 Summary The netsh advfirewall firewall command-line context is available in Windows Server 2012 R2. This...