advertising standards authority 读音:美英 advertising standards authority基本解释 (英国)广告标准局 分词解释 advertising广告 standards标准( standard的名词复数 ) authority权威 advertising standards authority是什么意思 advertising standards authority怎么读 advertising standards authority在线翻译 advertising standards ...
据外国网站TechCruch报导,英国的广告标准管理局(AdvertisingStandardsAuthority)日前公布了一项裁定结果,认为来自苹果的i…|基于3个网页 2. 英国广告标准局 英国广告标准局(AdvertisingStandardsAuthority)在调查了来自公众的投诉之后,认为在报纸上刊登的维珍宽带广告具有误导性质。|基于2个...
Advertising Standards Authority ASA的意思 ASA 英文缩写ASA 英文全称Advertising Standards Authority 中文解释广告标准管理局(英国) 缩写分类机构组织、社科总论 缩写简介
Code of PracticeonAdvertising Standardsissued pursuant to the BroadcastingAuthorityOrdinance and the Broadcasting Ordinance [...] 就電視及電台廣告而言,根據《廣播事務管理局條例》及《廣播 條例》而發出的《電視通用業務守則 ─廣告標準》及《電台 業務守則 ─廣告標準》,規定廣告不...
英文缩写 ASA 英文缩写ASA 英文全称Advertising Standards Authority 中文解释广告标准管理局(英国) 缩写简介 ASA意思,ASA的意思,ASA是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于ASA的解释和缩写,广告标准管理局(英国)的英文缩写是什么
the Advertising Standards Authority (abbreviationthe ASA)a British organization that controls the activities of the advertising industry in the UK. If people think that an advertisement is offensive or untrue, they can complain to this organization, which may decide that the advertisement should not ...
Rule 22.10 of the CAP Code bans the use of models smoking e-cigarettes in advertisements where the models are (or appear to be) under 25 years old. The ASA’s Approach In relation to these complaints, the ASA primarily considered three (related) issues, namely ...
The UK's Advertising Standards Authority has forcd the developers behind the uber popular Moshi Monsters to change aspects of the free to play game, because it "directly pressured children to make purchases". The browser-based game is free to play, but there's a paid membershi...
This paper demonstrates how the UK's Advertising Standards Authority governs advertising ethics with and on behalf of its members and stakeholders. Drawing on an archive of 310 non-commercial adjudication reports, we highlight the substantive norms and procedural mechanisms through which the ASA ...
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the UK’s independent advertising regulator across all media. Its role is to ensure that advertising is legal and only makes truthful statements. TheASA has specific guidelineson using statistics in advertising and actively monitors ads to ensure they comp...