advertising standards authority 读音:美英 基本释义 (英国)广告标准局 分词解释 advertising广告 standards标准( standard的名词复数 ) authority权威
据外国网站TechCruch报导,英国的广告标准管理局(AdvertisingStandardsAuthority)日前公布了一项裁定结果,认为来自苹果的i…|基于3个网页 2. 英国广告标准局 英国广告标准局(AdvertisingStandardsAuthority)在调查了来自公众的投诉之后,认为在报纸上刊登的维珍宽带广告具有误导性质。|基于2个...
Advertising Standards Authority (英国)广告标准局简称A.S.A.,成立于1962年,系英国负责制定各种广告准则并予以执行的单位,以避免夸大不实的广告并研究改进的办法。相关短语 En steel (英国标准) 工程用低碳钢 salient (广告) 显眼程度 competitive parity method (指广告预算) 竞争平位法,竞争平位法 Newt (英国运...
ASA的意思 ASA 英文缩写ASA 英文全称Advertising Standards Authority 中文解释广告标准管理局(英国) 缩写分类机构组织、社科总论 缩写简介其他解释 乙酰水杨酸ASA 等位基因特异性扩增法ASA 丙烯腈/苯乙烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物ASA 美国农学会ASA 美国标准协会ASA 美国声学学会ASA 原子能科学工作者协会[英]ASA...
Code of PracticeonAdvertising Standardsissued pursuant to the BroadcastingAuthorityOrdinance and the Broadcasting Ordinance [...] 就電視及電台廣告而言,根據《廣播事務管理局條例》及《廣播 條例》而發出的《電視通用業務守則 ─廣告標準》及《電台 業務守則 ─廣告標準》,規定廣告不...
Standards AuthorityFrom Longman Business DictionaryˌAdvertising ˈStandards AuˌthorityabbreviationASAnounaBritishorganization that makes sure thatadvertisingishonest,truthful, andacceptableAdvertisements with flight prices must include all taxes and other charges, the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled...
主页 洞察 UK Advertising Standards... 可用条件: English 日本語 关注盛德 欢迎参加 联系我们 Editions United States Europe Asia Pacific - English Asia Pacific - 中文 Asia Pacific - 日本語 Global 专业人员 服务与行业 观点 历史 新闻/ 成就 企业文化 多元化 义务法律服务 ...
In June, Advertising Standards Authority(ASA) in the UK set out a new rule, which states,"Ads mut not include gender stereotypes that are likely to causeharm, or serious or wide spread offence. "You may think that advertisements are mostly commercial promotions that no one takes seriously. ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Asa (redirected fromAdvertising Standards Authority) Dictionary Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Wikipedia Asa Asa(āˈsə), in the Bible, king of Judah, son and successor of Abijah. He was a good king, zealous in his extirpation of idols. When Baasha of ...
the Advertising Standards Authority (abbreviation the ASA) a British organization that controls the activities of the advertising industry in the UK. If people think that an advertisement is offensive or untrue, they can complain to this organization, which may decide that the advertisement should not...