Blog + Follow Blog Covers articles on Ad Agency, Airline Advertising, Auto Rickshaw Advertising, Billboard, Bus Advertising, Cinema Advertising, Digital marketing, DOOH, Exhibition Advertising, Influencer Marketing, Lift Advertising, Metro Station Branding, Hoardings,...
“ has been indispensable to me in my job search. I just want to thank you so much for helping me land my dream position.” ~ Claire Carter
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Trust with your paper and you will enjoy the result. Join Our Newsletter For Updates Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name Advertising Events Our Friends News Aggregators Save this on Delicious DesiCreative Recommends The Untourists : Travel Blog Desi...
My clients know that I’m pretty tough and critical on myself, so they take notice when I’m actually happy with something. In this case, I emailed the low-res from the shoot and told my client, “…here’s your cover.” It’s pretty rare that it turns out that way, considering ...
Summer is over…the days of BBQ, travels and beer are gone, so it’s time to get back to work again. It’s not like I wasn’t running campaigns during the summer, but I’ve decided to focus more on my family and have some fun. Which was possiblethanks to my colleague, who manag...
tw Amnesia Blog Angus Whines Banner Blog Best Ads on TV Blog Better Communication Results tw Brand DNA tw Business of Marketing and Branding Campaign Brief tw Cool Hunter Copywrite tw Creative is Not A Department tw Diffusion Ettf tw Filter Media FRANKthoughts tw Get Shouty tw In My Atmosphere...
though you may link to it as you please or quote passages (as long as you attribute the quote to me), please do not reproduce whole columns without my express written permission. In other words, you have to say “pretty please with sugar on top” first, and then wait for me to say...
"Working with Share and the team at Sharethrough is like having someone on my team dedicated to programmatic ads. They make suggestions and spark conversations to make the strategy better." Senior Manager Digital Marketing Harvey’s "We always see great results with our Sharethrough deals. Activati...
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