North Coast Flockworks - $7,500 To establish a shared Creative Space for outreach to children, youth, and the community; To strengthen organizational capacity through consultants with HR and management expertise. Mendocino Coast Cyclists - $7,500 To enhance the ability to work on remote trails ...
EPA, States, tribes, and local governments implement programs under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to protect the quality of source waters and drinking water. The SDWA and the CWA provide a foundation from which states can further develop and support potable...
Looking ahead, we need vigorous successors to the New Deal of the 1930s and the Great Society programs of the mid-1960s that were asphyxiated, politically and budgetarily, by the Vietnam War. Set aside the phrase if you want to, but we need some type of “democratic socialism” (as M...
One thing that was clear, however: Voters resoundingly rejected Proposition 30, which would have levied a new tax on multimillionaires to fund electric vehicle rebate programs and other climate initiatives. This came as a surprise for some observers, given that California is a deep-blue state wh...
Ms. Angelo has announced her retirement for Fall, 2022. She is not going anywhere until then. So keep pissing in the wind if you choose. Or perhaps the AVA could help illuminate the difference between CAO, and the current CEO model of management and whether the county should return to the...
Human Resources Director Linda Clouser claimed credit for having “successfully negotiated bargaining unit contracts” for some county employees, the so-called “Confidential Unit,” the Management Association, and the Department Head Association. Supervisor David Colfax, as usual focused on himself, galla...
TWK has a few tips on how to not become one of those sad, smelly fellas who can’t button his shirt and can’t find the car keys because the kids sold his ’97 Oldsmobile eight years ago. Any of the following will keep you from getting old: 1) Spectacular motorcycle wreck at age...