Presentation on theme: "Advertisement."— Presentation transcript: 1Advertisement 2How much do you know about ads? Where can you find it?Billboards, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio and television ... 3Do they belong to the same type?
蔷汛渍鳞脱夹定估遍谦记磕谊垄跑也煤耘撒导袄簧源机项阵滦毡运境慈倡advertisement的利弊(oral_presentation)advertisement的利弊(oral_presentation)Advantagespromote sales and then increase the profit pany棕构揪孔俄锹落拱燃啮之混僻沿量步酶轮荣费嵌绅孜炔挨牢龟嘴绞私渺叼advertisement的利弊(oral_...
Advertisement (presentation)Advertisement Poetryinmotion,dancingclosetome.Tome,thepastisblackandwhite,butthefutureisalwayscolor.Obeyyourthirst.Weintegrate,youcommunicate.Howadvertisementaffecteconomy?consumption investment export economy •consumption Tip1:Don’texcludeadvertisement.Exploitinformations.Offerusmore...
Cont’d “Because when you get this much car for this little money, you win” The word “get” here connotes the meaning of “obtaining something without having to pay the money”, and so it avoids giving readers the impression that they are being persuaded or even lured to do the purc...
The site is easy to maneuver and the data is in a format that can go right into a report or presentation. Marlene Greenfield Vice President, Hearst Magazines Statistics on " Digital advertising in the Asia-Pacific region " Overview Market segments Ad spend and ad spend waste Ad reach ...
The site is easy to maneuver and the data is in a format that can go right into a report or presentation. Marlene Greenfield Vice President, Hearst Magazines Statistics on " Digital advertising in South Korea " Overview Mobile advertising PC advertising Online video advertising Social media ...
In conclusion, the presentation of Amoi mobile phones on the Expo proves that there’s a leap on independent product research, invention and innovation, as well as a promotion of product quality. Domestic mobile phones are remodeling their old images of low end and poor quality with the produc...