Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions Type A: Augmented Reactions Type B: Bugs Reactions Drug Hypersensitivity Immunologic and Non-Immunologic Drug Reactions Immune Reaction, Its Mechanism, Clinical Manifestations Hypersensitivity Syndromes of Specific Drug Mechanisms Examples of Adverse Effects Associated ...
adverse_drug_reaction_药学英语 Unit4 AdverseDrugReactions 1 1.Definition Adversedrugreactionsareunwantedeffectscausedbynormaltherapeuticdoses.Drugsaregreatmimicsofdiseases,andadversedrugreactionspresentwithdiverseclinicalsignsandsymptoms.药物不良反应是正常的治疗剂量造成不必要的影响是伟大的模仿疾病和药物不良...
Time-course patterns for ADRS are either time-dependent, as in the 'red man syndrome', due to rapid administration of vancomycin, or time-independent, as seen in ADRs due to drug interactions. Individuals can be susceptible to rare ADRs due to genetic variation; examples include drug-induced ...
1、 Unit 4 Adverse Drug Reactions1.Definition Adverse drug reactions are unwanted effects caused by normal therapeutic doses .Drugs are great mimics of diseases, and adverse drug reactions present with diverse clinical signs and symptoms.药物不良反应是正常的治疗剂量造成不必要的影响是伟大的模仿疾病和...
adverse drug reaction 药学英语 Unit2 AdverseDrugReactions 1 1.Definition Anadversedrugreaction(ADR)isaresponsetoadrugwhichisnoxiousandunintendedandwhichoccursatdosesnormallyusedinmanforprophylaxis,diagnosis,ortherapyofdiseaseorforthemodificationofphysiologicfunction.2 2.Classification 2.1TypeAreactionsareusuallya...
(redirected from adverse drug reaction (ADR))Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia. adverse antagonistic: adverse criticism; unlucky; disastrous; unfavorable; catastrophic: an extremely adverse reaction to a medication; an opposing position; opposite: the adverse page. Not to be confused ...
adverse_drug_reaction_药学英语 下载积分: 900 内容提示: Unit 4 Adverse Drug Reactions1Unit 4 Adverse Drug Reactions 文档格式:PPT | 页数:18 | 浏览次数:39 | 上传日期:2016-03-20 11:55:24 | 文档星级: Unit 4 Adverse Drug Reactions1Unit 4 Adverse Drug Reactions 阅读...
药物不良反应Adversedrugreaction 药物不良反应Adversedrug reaction一、概述由于大量新药上市,合并用愈来愈多,导致药物 不良反应有所上升。定义:药物在正常剂量下,由于药物或药物间相 互作用发生意外的与防治目的完全无关的不利或有害反应。包括副作 用(Sideeffect)、毒性反应(toxiceffect)、变态反应(allergic reaction)...
不良反应英文缩写ADR,英文全称Adverse drug Reaction 不良反应在ICH-GCP的定义 In the pre-approval clinical experience with a new medicinal product or its new usages, particularly as the therapeutic dose(s) may not be established: all noxious and unintended responses to a medicinal product related to ...
adverse_drug_reaction_药学英语 系统标签: adversedrug药学reactionsreactionbenzodiazepi 1 Unit4AdverseDrugReactionsUnit4AdverseDrugReactions 2 1.Definition1.Definition AdverseAdversedrugdrugreactionsreactionsareareunwantedunwantedeffectseffects causedcausedbybynormalnormaltherapeutictherapeuticdosesdoses..DrugsDrugsareare...