6.7 集成防御(Ensembling Defenses) 由本人翻译,不保证准确。请见原文。 Adversarial Examples: Attacks and Defenses for Deep Learningarxiv.org/abs/1712.07107 这项工作得到了国家科学基金会的部分支持 (grants CNS-1842407, CNS-1747783, CNS-1624782, and OAC-1229576). ∗ Corresponding author. 封面图来自...
5.对抗防御 通常包括对抗训练、基于随机的方案、去噪方法、可证明防御以及一些其他方法。 5.1对抗训练 对抗训练:通过与对抗样本一起训练,来尝试提高神经网络的鲁棒性。 通常情况下,可视为如下定义的最大最小游戏: 其中, 代表对抗代价,θ代表网络权重,x‘代表对抗输入,y代表真相标签。D(x,x')代表x和x'之间的距离...
Audio Adversarial Examples: Targeted Attacks on Speech-to-Texthttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.01944.pdf Adversarial T-shirt! Evading Person Detectors in A Physical Worldhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.11099.pdf Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Deep Learninghttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2019.12.012 “...
4月,IJAC密歇根州立大学在最新一期发表Anil K. Jain团队和Jiliang Tang 密歇根州立大学团队合作带来的特别评论Xu Han博士。本文总结并讨论了与对抗样本及其应对策略相关的研究,系统全面地总结了图像、图形和文本领域的前沿算法,总结了对抗攻击和防御(adversarial attacks and defenses)主要技术和成果。 文章下载地址:https...
BPDA 方法作者称已经成功攻击了上面的大多数方法。这项结果的发表也引起了 Ian Goodfellow 的回应与质疑,“在《Ensemble Adversarial Training: Attacks and Defenses》研究中已经解决相关问题”,但攻击之法不断,对抗样本防御方法也还有很长的路要走。 而胶囊网路(CapsNet 模型的原作者有 Sabour、Frosst 以及 Hinton,...
BPDA 方法作者称已经成功攻击了上面的大多数方法。这项结果的发表也引起了 Ian Goodfellow 的回应与质疑,“在《Ensemble Adversarial Training: Attacks and Defenses》研究中已经解决相关问题”,但攻击之法不断,对抗样本防御方法也还有很长的路要走。 而胶囊网路(CapsNet 模型的原作者有 Sabour、Frosst 以及 Hinton,...
computing,different types of adversarial attacks and their applications to physiological computing,and the corresponding defense strategies.We hope this review will attract more research interests on the vulnerability of physiological computing systems,and more importantly,defense strategies to make them more ...
Tramèr, F, Kurakin A, Papernot N, Boneh D, McDaniel PD (2017) Ensemble adversarial training: Attacks and defenses. CoRR abs/1705.07204. 1705.07204. Vincent, P, Larochelle H, Bengio Y, Manzagol P-A (2008) Extracting and composing robust features with denoising autoencoders In: Proceedings ...
以下内容引自:《Adversarial Examples: Attacks and Defenses for Deep Learning》 1.对抗样本的分类 分类1 分类2 分类3 2.常见的对抗攻击方法 White-box targeted White-box untargeted Black-box 3.常见的对抗措施(1) Reactive Proactive 4.对抗措施(2) ...
This paper presents a comprehensive overview of adversarial attacks and defenses in the real physical world. First, we reviewed these works that can successfully generate adversarial examples in the digital world, analyzed the challenges faced by applications in real environments. Then, we compare and...