5.Wherever(No matter where) he goes,he always brings two bodyguards with him.,9.Adverb Clauses of Manner(方式状语从句) 1) You must try to do as 19、I did. 2)Lets do as Mrs. Li teaches us. *3)He talks as if he knew all about it. (好象),Exercises:Fill in the blank with ...
1、Unit 13 Adverbial Clauses Adverbial clauses can be classified as: adverbial clause of time, place, reason, purpose, result, condition, comparison, manner, and concession. back第一节 时间状语从句一、 when, while和as引导的时间状语从句 while只能表示持续性的动作或状态,不能表示一时性或短暂性的...
Task3Exploringthe3adverbialclausesExercises:finishthefollowingindividuallyfirst.⑴.Iwillgowhereyougo(译成汉语).⑵.You’dbettermakemarks youmakemistakes. A.whichB.whereC.thatD./⑶.有我同桌的地方就有笑声。Wherethereismydeskmate,thereislaughter. 注意区分where引导的定语从句与地点状语从句You’dbettermake...