Adverbs can be single words, phrases (calledadverbial phrases), or entire clauses (calledadverbial clauses). Continue reading... ad·verb (ăd′vûrb) n.Abbr.adv. 1.The part of speech that modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or an entire clause or sentence. ...
Adverb clauses begin withsubordinating conjunctions. Common subordinating conjunctions include: although, because, since, unless, while, when, and if. Example: She runsbecause she loves it. Here, “because” is the subordinating conjunction that introduces the adverb clause “because she loves it.”...
Elliptical clauses occur when the noun, the verb, or both are missing but clearly implied, like in Clause 2. Clause 2 as is: while eating his roommate's leftover fried rice. Clause 2 with implied subject and verb: while [he was] eating his roommate's leftover fried rice. Clause 2...
An adverb clause begins with asubordinating conjunctionsuch asif, when, because,oralthoughand usually includes asubjectandpredicate. The Function of Adverbial Clauses Like adverbs, adverbial clauses indicate time, place, condition, contrast, etc. Unlike adverbs, adverbial clauses modify whole clauses ...
Adverb Clauses AdverbialClauses 孙晓丽 LanguageforChapterFour(SB1)1.AdverbialClausesofTime:(时间状语从句)when,while,as,before,after,since,until,assoonas,everytime,eachtime,themoment,bythetime…I.when 1)Whenhecomesheretomorrow,Iwillcallyou.(atthetimethat)2)HenryisinchargeoftheofficewhenMr.Smith...
Adverb clause 副词从句 AdverbClause AdverbClauseofTime when,as,while 1)when(表示一个动作紧接着另一个动作发生)WhenTomreturns,I’llgivehimthekey.WhenIcamehome,Ihandedmymotherapaperbag“when”表示“那时/然后”(atwhichtime/andthen)Iwentoutforawalk,whenImetJane.Shewasopening(wasabouttoopen)the...
•until•when•whenever•where•whereas•wherever•while•why ExerciseA •Identifytheadverbclausesandthesubordinatingconjunctionineachclause.1.MumsewedonmydresswhileIwatchedthelittleones.2.Theskylookedasifitmightrainanyminute.3.WhereverIwalkedinthegarden,Ionlysawmoresplendidsights.4.Susanbrought...
Do you get confused when you see long sentences with lots of commas and sections? You need to learn about clauses! Once you understand and can recognize the different types of clauses in an English sentence, everything will make sense. What is the differ
Adverb clauses of opposition beginning with "though," "although," or "while" can be reduced in the following manner: Keep the subordinating conjunction Remove the subject and the verb "be" Keep the noun or adjective OR change the verb to the gerund form ...